Johnny Mallonee
14 years ago
3,259 posts

Back in the Younger Years when people really got into racing in a personal way , I can remember one nite at a track (Im not putting no names on here except mine because some of these drivers are on R/R) when a hard fought battle on the track ended up with one being put in the wall. The caution flag was waved while the field was regrouped and the car in the wall was removed.

Before the green flag resumed the race the car that got stuffed in the wall took aim at the sole who dumped him and bang right in the drivers door he hit. The pits emptied almost immediately for retaliation aginst the driver that waited for his time.

It was mayhem for sure that nite because he laid low waiting for his shot. He was ejected from the track that nite along with his crew.

Next week guess what --it was as if nothing had happened. We had a heck of a race and guess who won--old bad boy himself. This happened at Crazy 8 Speedway in warner Robins Ga.

Wasnt to long after that that another driver was pushing hard for the lead and passing on the outside when the other car took him into a post at the beginning of the grandstand wall, My dad filmed this as it happened but didnt keep the camera rolling as the discussion was made in the middle of the track, If I hadnt jumped on the hood I think he would have run over me but i got to him through the passenger window. I was out of there for I think 30 days. This happened at Telfair County Speedway in McRae Ga.

Another time was in Swainsboro Ga I was passing a car on the outside (I never learned to not pass on the outside) when he shoved me into the rock wall under the Flagstand, there I set while three other cars ran into me full tilt. As the caution was out he came around leading the race and I dove into his car and off the number one turn bank we went. I didnt get no dinner but I sure got a neat lunch out of his hind end. Got me another boot out of the track there too.

I got into heated battle in Pheonix City at Tri County Speedway with Sam Mcquagg and over the bank in turn 3 we went --what happened over there over in a few seconds was a making of a friendship that ended all to soon but both of us got throwed out.

I was in thunder valley just west of Columbia SC in the early 70's and was running pretty good that nite when a car just wouldnt quit blocking so I kinda touched him enough to loose him up the hill and went on by but next lap ---bam-- he sent me sailing into another car,you see where this is going? Caution flag was thrown but he plastered the other car anyway. I quietly headed off to the pits--you see my dad told me under no uncertain terms my time was getting close and if I didnt wise up someone was going to get hurt.

we had started running further from home and when you start something away you are on your own soooooooooooooo I got some smarts quick like.

Now to the part I was working up to.

I think Kyle really ;learned a life changing experience this past weekend. From what I can find and read he has gotten more than just his hands slapped. 50 G's is not a few dollars to me but you can bet the sponsor has said a few things to say----but also L O O K at the extra free exposure they getting. Some are wanting to ban him for life, Folks this is racing and its aggressive and dangerous as we all know. If you ban him are you going to ban the ball players that get roudy,after the whistle is blown??

I listened to all that was on tues nites show and all had good points but put all the points together and then listen to what is said.

Ok He cant win the championship now (and he had an outside chance to get it) so let him suffer in his own bowl of punishment and next year Ill bet those little M&M's will have championship contender worth mentioning.

He can drive,anything,and is damn good at squeezing the last bit out of a ride. And can relate to his crew what he needs done,the other gibbs crews look to him for advice regularly.

I am through,you can beat me up and throw me under the bus if you wish but everybody has a favorite driver---mine just happens to be this Vegas Yuppie that couldnt get along with Hendricks but found a home with the coach.------------------------ guess I better watch my mirrors closely now-----------------------------------------------------------------memories

updated by @johnny-mallonee: 01/08/17 08:10:12PM
Jim Wilmore
14 years ago
488 posts


I'm not a Kyle Bush fan and whatever he gets coming he deserves. To give a guilty man the benefit of the doubt is sending the wrong message, it's NOT OK to intentionally wreck another driver, Kyle Bush SHOULD be scared of losing his ride, Kyle Bush should be benched, at least for the remainder of the season. Kyle Bush needs a wake up call because his alarm is broke, he don't know when to wake up, his buzzer is going off but he can't hear it. If Kyle Bush comes out on top from this it will be a black mark on racing everywhere. How many young drivers follow Kyle Bush? What kind of message will they receive if Kyle gets a slap on the wrist? There are hundreds of incidents of drivers losing their wits and turning another driver but for Kyle, he's crossed the line. The first incident when Kyle rammed Harvicks car, pushing it in the pit wall was enough, one which could have killed or maimed anyone that happened to be standing in the wrong spot. This kind of behavior should not be tolerated, if Kyle can't take a beating on the track he should getting a beating off the track.

Although I respect your opinion I disagree wholeheartedly. Can he race a car? Yes! Should he be racing with his attitude, HECK NO! I'll say it again, you can't fix stupid!

Tommy Buxton
14 years ago
53 posts

I am with you on this one Jim,the boy crossed the line. I just can't bring myself to say anything about this boy is good except the fact that he sure can drive,but so can alot of others. Hey Johnny,did you ever hit anybody under caution going 150 mph?I have been in fights at the track,rubbed em up good and been rubbed on too just like you. Took my lumps and gave some too,but never used the bumper like he did at Texas.Rubbins racin,but he was doing a whole lot more than rubbin!Now if he had come out of the car and went through the passenger side ofRon's truckI might think differently but he used the truck asa weapon in a fit of rage because he thought Ron wrecked him.I am not saying kick him to the curb but give me about 30 minutes with him and he will be a brand new man with some respect for others!He obviously does not have that yet due to his repeated ignorant actions.If he had some good sense he would have a long listen to brother Kurt about the lesson Jimmy Spencer gave him.Kurt calmed down pretty good after ole Spencer issued a lesson in respect.I say ramp up the penalty until he learns it is not his playground alone.I think they should at least ban him from the trucks and Nationwide series.

Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts

I certainly respect all opinions. And I love the fact that fans stand beside their driver in tough times. I also recognize the driving talents of KB. But have to ask...JM, If this incident had seriously injured Ron Hornaday...or worse taken his life, would you still feel the same way? It could have happened had we not lost Dale Earnhardt in a similar impact, which of course led to safer equipment to help prevent injury in those circumstances. To me on-track rubbin, beatin, and bangin...especially on a short a totally different thing than turning a guy into the wall under caution at the speed they were traveling. That showed a definite lack of respect for safety and life and cannot be tolerated. As stated in other posts, he has done other border-line acts in the past that endangered other people.

Yes, racing is dangerous. But using a car as a weapon has never been acceptable. I still barbaric (I've been told) as it sounds...the sport has been cleaned up so much that these guys don't have to worry about getting their butt's kicked. If KB knew he would have to suffer the wrath of a Tiny Lund...or Jimmy Spencer...he would act differently behind the wheel. My guess is Ron Hornaday could change his attitude with a few minutes of "physical therapy".

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Jim Wilmore
14 years ago
488 posts

I want to add something...Let's say Kyle Bush gets banned from racing in NASCAR so decides to race in another series or even at the local level, do you think anybody would want to race with this hothead? I sure wouldn't and I know a lot local drivers that would wup his tail if he ever came around here in a late model and pulled that stunt. Nope, Kyle has but one home right now and he'll end up an orphan if NASCAR ever kicks him out, nobody would take him in. He could forgot IZOD.

Tim Leeming
14 years ago
3,119 posts

Johnny, you know I respect you and you know our friendship has, and will, weather any storm. But had I known that intentionally wrecking a fellow competitor was acceptable, I would have won that race in Savannah that I lost to you by six inches that night. In fact, thinking back, I had so many second place finishes because I always refused to intentionally put another guy in jeopardy. Oh yes, we rubbed and we banged, you and I, and several others and me, but looking back over my less that lustrious career behind the wheel, I can say that I always drove with the good sportsmanship my father and mother, my church, and the Boy Scouts taught me to display. To this very day I strive to be a good example to young people and I like to think my role in Racers Reunion is to connect with the younger fans in a positive way to relate the history of the sport to them. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but I try. I enjoy that role because I enjoy young folks.

Ann and I are blessed with three wonderful grandsons that live very close by whom we get to see all the time. Unfortunately, our granddaughters are in New Hampshire so we don't get to see them that often. I am proud of my athletic grandsons and attend most of their sports events. I must say they are still taught good sportsmanship. Although I cannot attend my granddaughters functions, their father, Ann and my son, coaches many of their activities so I know he has taught them good sportsmanship. I refuse to accept the premise that the actions of Candy Man can be justified, condoned, or continued. His Nationwide sponsor has pulled the plug and if Preacher Gibbs and the sponsors of the Cup car have a modicum of respect for the sport, they will put the young man in a position that does NOT include a steering wheel. Enough is enough and I had enough of Candy Man two years ago.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Johnny Mallonee
14 years ago
3,259 posts

Well a few of yall ventured in to say how you feel,and that was the whole purpose of the post.

I showed my support towards Kyle --I know he was way out of bounds Fri Nite ---but --- I like his style of driving without the anger moments included. Some or maybe all of you say boo throw him out and if thats the feeling you have then so be it. My wife was the one who settled me down on the track. Maybe his will too.

Tommie  Clinard
14 years ago
209 posts

I have to agree with Jeff and Tim on this one. It is dangerous to wreck anyone on any track, small or large. As the old saying goes, S--t happens. And it could be bad.

I can honestly say that I have never on purpose turned anyone. I have put the chrome horn to them on the straightaway but never tried to turn them.

Maybe that's the reason that I didn't win any more races than I did. But when my head hit the pillow at night I could go to sleep.

No reflection on you still my friend and old MGR buddy.