Cool Ad: The Jim Rathmann Xterminator kart

Dennis  Garrett
14 years ago
560 posts

The Rathmann Xterminator kart quickly established its reputation with a 1-2 overall victory at the second annual International Grand Prix de Karts in 1960. An innovator in its use of aluminum monocoque chassis and energy absorbent engine mounts, it was nonetheless a technical anomaly in its use of the relatively crude scrub-on-tire braking system (though this apparently did not hinder its winning form!). Most karts by 1960 were using internal expanding brakes and hydraulic spot (disc) brakes were available as a state-of-the-art alternative.

Cool Ad
The Jim Rathmann Xterminator kart

A Montgomery Ward ad from 1962.

Smithsonian Kart


updated by @dennis-garrett: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
14 years ago
363 posts

Neat and funny.

Johnny Mallonee
14 years ago
3,259 posts

Is this designed for ole DW and Digger??? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Got Boggity Boggity Boggity wrote all over it