Hannah Stewart

Johnny Mallonee
16 years ago
3,259 posts
In todays time if this girl continues in the manner she is going she will be a shoe in for the next Miss Racers Reunion so you guys better be careful how you treat her or she may decline the position of the flag girl or even the umbrella girl as they have them in moto gp So borrowing money gets you throwed outta her house of cards and even being a celebrity wont let you in to her hose of cards as some have found out,now there are those that snuck in under cover but be careful you may be tossed out on your mousepad too. so next time you sidle up to her site be very very careful you dont get hacked,smacked or even called to step up ------or step out-------------------------wow now we on a new roll on this you boys have been served
updated by @johnny-mallonee: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Leon Phillips
16 years ago
626 posts
Hay man i like a good mystery its like who done it iv got it down to 2 females Theresa E or Scooter S i will found out Tuesday if Scooter is willing to talk