Inspired by Johnny Mallonee, My NC Backroads Journey Unearthed a Petty Family Remembrance

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,138 posts

Johnny Mallonee recently posted on this site about Georgia back roads and the luck brought to racers who traveled them. Johnny and Tommie Clinard were some of the hundreds of racers who've traveled the Georgia back roads over the years heading to long gone racing venues.

As we tried to guess the secret Johnny tempted us to uncover, we learned about various Georgia towns and courthouse squares that were the stuff of picture postcards.

My wife and I, along with our two grandsons, drove over from Charlotte to Wilson in eastern North Carolina for a couple of days this week to visit her remaining family in her birthplace and the birthplace of each of my grandsons' mothers. After enduring the traffic of Interstate 85 & Interstate 40 and inspired by Johnny Mallonee's back road memories, I hatched a plan that I would reveal to my wife and grand kids only when it was time to depart Wilson and return to Charlotte.

So, after two days of eating all the eastern North Carolina style barbecue I could devour at the world famous Parker's BBQ on U.S. 301 across from the fabled and now gone Wilson County Speedway (Parker's BBQ was named in USA TODAY as one of 10 Must Visit Places Off I-95 Between Maine & Florida ) , I was ready to reveal my "plan" to my wife for our return route to Charlotte.

My "plan" was to return to Charlotte on the back roads, not the interstates.

Before heading west back to Charlotte, I first drove south on I-95, a drive I hadn't made since heading from Wilson to Darlington and Daytona in the 70s. That road was bumper to bumper on Friday morning of July 4th week, but we wouldn't be on it long. As we passed Smithfield, home of the late actress Ava Gardner, I pointed out the old Sylvania television factory, one of the last in the United States to manufacture TV sets.

I also pointed out the former location of the huge billboard that stood beside that stretch of I-95 in the 1960s & 1970s erected by the United Klans of America. It used to picture a hooded Klansman on a reared and also hooded steed with the tag line in huge letters reading, "You Are in the Heart of Klan Kountry." That did not interest my grandsons enough for them to put down their portable video games for a look. I am glad they didn't live in a time when we persecuted our neighbors because of the color of their skin.

I turned off I-95 at Dunn, NC onto U.S. 421 and passed by the Dunn-Benson Ford dealership that had been run by Carlton Lamm, onetime proprietor of the Barbecue Barn Restaurant in Wilson, NC and owner of Late Model Sportsman cars that won the Southern 200 at Wilson in the 70s. RR member "Winding Wayne " Andrews was one of Carlton Lamm's drivers back then. Carlton today is in several Halls of Fame for Dirt Track Racing.

My back roads journey took me from Dunn past Buie's Creek, NC, home to the "Fighting Camels" of Campbell University and on to Lillington where several roads converged. It was at Lillington that the true back roads journey on 2-lane roads would begin.

At Lillington, we got on 2-lane NC Highway #27 for an east/west journey through Pineview, Johnsonville, Cameron, Carthage, Biscoe, Troy, Albemarle, Red Cross, Locust and Midland before reaching the outskirts of Charlotte and continuing south on the I-485 beltway to our southeast Charlotte home in the Ballantyne area.

Just as on those Georgia roads, we encountered several scenic North Carolina county courthouse squares and circles in the county seats that we drove around along our peaceful journey. Although the temperature was 100 degrees, we had trees overhanging the road and often drove in shade. There was no traffic. It was a far cry from I-85. It was wonderful. I wish my grandsons had been more interested. We passed numerous historic markers. One commemorated a Gaelic poet and another a long gone pastor.

Several towns and courthouses were on the National Register of Historic Places. We passed one marker about a Tory gathering with General Cornwallis during the American Revolution before he marched to battle General Greene at what is today Greensboro. When I explained who the Tories were, my 7 year old grandson stated, "Grandpa, there is no such thing as Revolution. We did not come from monkeys!" That was our best laugh of the trip.

It was so peaceful along the route. Throughout the northwestern end of Harnett County, the shoulders of the 2-lane road had been widened and covered with sand and straw on each side. A sign warned of equestrians for the next 14 miles.

It was just an absolutely beautiful day and magnificent cross state drive, even if the boys were bored.

Then it happened. Very unexpectedly.

We had recently passed through the historic town of Carthage, county seat of Moore County, with its scenic courthouse in the middle of the road. The town is a 53 mile drive from Level Cross.

I rounded a shaded curve and on the right side of the road sat a now unused and aging tobacco barn. Kudzu creeping up the left side facing the curve partially obscured what had been painted on that abandoned tobacco barn.

However, I could still make out an artist's beautiful tribute to two men who passed a month apart in the Spring of 2000, twelve years ago. One was young, one was old.

Staring at me from the left side of the old tobacco barn was the face of a young Adam Petty with the number "45" below the image. To the right of Adam and also staring directly at me was the grizzled visage of Lee Petty . Beneath his portrait was the number "42." The paint was starting to fade, but it was all still very legible. I assumed it had been painted back in 2000 or 2001.

It was an unexpected and memorable treat to encounter this wonderful work of art. Alas, non-tech me had no camera or cell phone with a camera to capture this image. Perhaps some of you have seen this before and perhaps a photo exists. Since the next town up the road was Biscoe, I thought perhaps Billy Biscoe might be familiar with this farm building painting. Or, perhaps with the somewhat proximity to Siler City, maybe Dennis Andrews has passed it.

If anyone has a photo or knows of a photo, I'd love for all the members to see it.

Anyway, we continued our two lane journey to Albemarle, where the road gained two more lanes near the Honda dealership owned by the late driver, Dick Brooks in the 70s/80s.

At Midland, I made a right turn and took a two mile detour on Highway 601 so I could show Joyce Concord Motorsports Park where grandson, Tommy and I had taken in some races.

Arriving home I felt somewhat like Charles Kuralt and had thoroughly enjoyed being "On the Road," but even more so I had enjoyed being on "The Road Less Traveled," thanks to the seed planted by Johnny Mallonee.

You never know where one of these RR posts will lead. Johnny's led me to a work of folk art I am thrilled to have seen.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"

updated by @dave-fulton: 08/14/18 05:23:26AM
bill mcpeek
13 years ago
820 posts

Sounds like you had a great time Dave, You write so descriptive its like I was on the same road. Really enjoyed hearing about your trip. I also noticed how most of the remarkable ones involved food or a as my trips....thanks.

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,138 posts

Yessir... gotta eat!

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Johnny Mallonee
13 years ago
3,259 posts

Dave,the back roads does the body good not to mention the mind. A secondary or third sector road trip can be relaxing and enjoyable because you can slow down and smell the Roses,which is exactly what Y'all did. You can get on the racetrack/interstate where speeds are climbing steadily towards triple digits {like Tx and their 85 mph on I-10} and everyone isnt watching the flagstand or going the same way. Im glad I in some small way inspired you to take trip on the mild side and see what youve been missing.

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,138 posts

I do indeed, owe my inspiration 100% to you, Johnny. Thanks.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Jim Streeter
13 years ago
242 posts

You just brought back many memories that I had of the 40s and 50s.

Thanks !

Johnny Mallonee
13 years ago
3,259 posts

Ok now Jim you give us a rendition of your trip somewhere in the yesteryear

Jim Streeter
13 years ago
242 posts

My first trip to Wilson County Fairgrounds in 1950 was with an Amature 37 Ford Club Coupe.

There were a few Sportsman, but mostly Modifieds.

Naturaly I got left in the dust.

Joe Weatherly,Bill Champeon, Ray Hendricks, Fonty Flock, Buck Baker,

Lee Petty, and many more.

13 years ago
25 posts

Johnny Mallonee,

Thanks for such a great story. I do something similar when i visit friends in Concord. I can't wait to get off of I-85 and get on 220 through Randleman and Level Cross to get on Rt. 49. Rt. 49 is a much better road than I-85. It takes me straightto 601 in Concord.

I do wish that you had a camera though. I would have enjoyed seeing a picture of #45 & #42. The Pettys have always been a great family.


Don Evans

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,138 posts

Donald, sometimes we'd just continue from Wilson on U.S. 264 and hooking up on U.S. 64 at Raleigh. We'd continue west through Pittsboro, around the old courthouse and on through Siler City to Asheboro where we'd get on NC 49 to U.S. 52 and skip down to NC 27 at Albemarle and on to Charlotte. Haven't been all the way in to Charlotte on 49 in many years. Do they still have that ranch on the right where the horses crossed the swinging bridge beside the road?

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,138 posts

By the way, here's a photo of the billboard that used to stand beside I-95 at Smithfield, NC just below Wilson:

Johnson County was also home to Percy Flowers, the largest bootlegger in the United States.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,138 posts

Sorry, that I-95 sign was infamous. Hoping maybe Billy Biscoe or Dennis Andrews has seen the Petty art on NC 27.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Jim Streeter
13 years ago
242 posts

I posted some movies of the old Johnson County Racetrack here someplace about 6 months ago.

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,138 posts

Just down the road from the Petty artwork on the tobacco barn, in the vicinity of Cameron, NC, we passed what appeared to be a big, bare field surrounded by chain link fence. There was a sign that said simply, "Muslim Cemetery."

This is it:

Muslim Cemetery of Greater Fayetteville Area (MCGFA )
Cameron, NC 28326, USA

Phone: 910-797-0082
Directions: On Hwy 24/27 just next to Shamsiddeen Halal Farm....on Hwy 24/27 twenty miles north of Fayetteville, NC....4 miles west of Hwy 87...between Sanford, NC and Spring Lake, NC.
General Information: Free Cemetery for any Muslim that is upon the Qur\'an, Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad, Salalahu alayhi was salaam. innovations!!! Visit our web site; we do accept donations.
General Activities: The Board of Directors, and the Graveyard Committee do have regular meetings that are rotated between masajid. You can call for notice of meeting or visit the web site.

NC Highway 27 is indeed an interesting road.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Bobby Williamson
13 years ago
907 posts

Great post, Dave, gotta love that 'off the beaten path' stuff. Dunn, NC is also home to the ghostly remains of the oldDunn Speedway, adjacent to I-95, and theBroadslab Speedway, still visible as a part of the modern-dayDunn-Benson Dragstrip.

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,138 posts


Billy, you kin to the folks they named Biscoe after???

You ever seen that art on NC 27?

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,138 posts

Jim, the link below should take folks to your post and the awesome 8mm movies of you racing at Johnson County in the 50s:

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dennis Andrews
13 years ago
835 posts

Dave, The courthouse in Pittsboro caught fire a year or so ago. Only the brick walls survived. It is being rebuilt. You would have past right by my house a few miles after you left Siler City. Buffalo Ranch is gone now too. A lot of 49 has been 4 laned. Haven't been to Carthage in a while, ate at the airport restaurant and I haven't seen the Petty sign. Used to go through Carthage on the way to Rockingham Speedway. There is no road side marker but you past a ghost track when you went through Biscoe.

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,138 posts

Thanks, Dennis. Had forgotten the name of Buffalo Ranch. I seem to recall several different creeks with the name Buffalo on NC 49.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Ole r myhrer
13 years ago
2 posts

hi. i find a picture of lee and adam petty on a barn. i use google to find it. images: i searched: #adam lee petty barn". i am no good at computers. so i did not managed to copy it to this site. is this the barn?

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,138 posts


Thank you so much, Ole. I was beginning to be afraid folks would think I had made it up. I had searched every way I could think with no result.

Again, thanks to each of you for both finding and posting.

Rounding the curve on NC #27 and seeing this on that little two lane highway took my breath away.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,138 posts

can the photo be added to the article repost on the Home Page and credited to "builder24car" who shot it and posted it on Flickr?

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,138 posts

Thanks, young lady!

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,138 posts

Well, then.... Congratulations on being "promoted" to Grand Poobah!

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,138 posts

Nah, you're not prehistoric, Pkl. The Flintstones were relative latecomers to the term used for the head of Bedrock's Water Buffalo Lodge on their 60s television show.

It comes from Gilbert and Sullivans The Mikado where one of the characters is called the Grand Poohbah.

In high school I was a member of the journalistic fraternity S.P.O.M.B. (Society for the Preservation of Mythological Beasts) whose titular head was the Grand Poobah.

And for many years, noted, highly respected and now deceased motorsports photographer, Dozier Mobley served as the honorary Grand Poobah of the National Motorsports Press Association.

So, I think you've "graduated" into a pretty elite realm!

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,138 posts

That's a soothing color.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Johnny Mallonee
13 years ago
3,259 posts

Shucks---------------------------And I thought she said a S M O O T H E E

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,138 posts

Did somebody say table?

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,138 posts

Had errands, but then I "smelled" food!

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Johnny Mallonee
13 years ago
3,259 posts

Food ??? and a smoothee?? Yum Yum

Ole r myhrer
13 years ago
2 posts

i am only happy to help.

13 years ago
25 posts

Dave, sorry for a late reply. I don't know about the horses. I'm just an old VA boy traveling from Ettrick, VA to Concord, NC 2-3 times a year to visit friends and go to some of the race shops.

I have gotten off of I-85 and drove through Liberty to Rt.49. Several years ago we even stopped by the Roush Shops when they were in Liberty. The Roush people were always very friendly to us. Now we go to the Roush shops in Concord when i'm there.

Hey, if you are ever in Concord, you need to go to Celebrity's Hotdogs on Rt.73. It's owned and operated by former driver Steve Grissom. They have great hotdogs.

I'm going to Ralphs BBQ this weekend in Weldon, NCand hope it's as good as what Parkers looks like in your picture.

Have a great day.

Jim Streeter
13 years ago
242 posts

"My back roads journey took me from Dunn past Buie's Creek, NC, home to the "Fighting Camels" of Campbell University and on to Lillington where several roads converged. It was at Lillington that the true back roads journey on 2-lane roads would begin."

During the early 1950s there was a 39 Ford Stock Car parked off the highway between Fayetville and Raleigh.

I never could find to who it belonged.