RacersReunion Inspiration (Please read..It's to You)

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
12 years ago
559 posts

Hey...y'all know me, sometimes I just have to get it out.

When sitting in the mornings having my coffee..that is my alone time with God. Time to meditate, give Thanks for all good things, and pray about the bad. Sometimes I will have either left the computer on, or will turn it on and go to RacersReunion.

As I was sitting here this morning,all quiet still around here. The Slide Show was going...just quietly..and God reminded me, these are pages of time and history passing by. History, real lives and real people. People who have helped to make even simple me..who I am.

And as I sat there, I saw my Pop's and Porky's pictures amongst some of the most famous people in Racing. And, it again dawned on me.....This is Home. When I go to FaceBook, that is like going out into the World. Don't get me wrong, I do love FaceBook, but it is like the real world. It is noisy it is busy and it will wear you out, if you are not careful.

But this is Home, where I come for peace and solitude. A place where I know I can find family, and comfort from the rest of the world.

With yesterday being the anniversary of Neil Bonnet's death, the 2nd anniversary of my Pop's death in the past few days, the 2nd anniversary of Porky's death tomorrow, and the 1st anniversary of Momma's death in just a couple of weeks. I have been somewhat shall I say, in a lot of thought and remembrance here lately. I have and will continue to cry many tears lately, but that is okay. I feel that when I am crying, I am feeling the love they had for me as well, in my heart.

I can hardly wait for Daytona to get here, but at the same time it is bittersweet for me, because it is "that time of the year". I am sure there is no one here, who cannot name a moment that something happened in their lives, that coincided with a certain Race. Daytona just happens to be that particular one for me. I was blessed with my Baby Son, Jeremy in 1985 during Daytona.

But...this is Home now for me....y'all accept me for who and what I am. You teach, listen and even correct me with love.

Mama (PattyKay Lilley)...you have been so kind and loving to me and I can tell you ANYTHING...and always know that it will not change how you feel about me.

I have been so blessed, Jeff Gilder "Bossman" and my other "Brother" by your friendship and our silly conversations. We are close enough in age that we can talk about "stuff" together. And ask each other "Where the hell, have you been?" Yet also remind each other to ~Quiet Your Mind~.

Bobby Williamson, keeps me "Dreaming" about what we can accomplish!!

Tim Leeming, keeps me guessing, and waiting for the wisdom that will next come out of his mouth.

Cody Dinsmore, you make me hunger for younger years. Please never lose that passion and drive for Racing, that you have son.

Jack Walker, you my dear man, are the reason that I can dance on Tuesday nights...LOL You also are the reason that I now have all my Pop's pictures, clippings and memorabilia saved.

Dave Fulton, thank you for taking me to places I have never been, nor will ever go. With your stories of knowledge and experience....like I said there should be a Daveipedia! Thank you also for dancing with me, dear man....

Rich Panicaro...I am so proud of you and your accomplishments since I have known you! Thank you too, for dancing with me...and I hope you NEVER find your keys!

JAck Redd...I love you..and I thank you so much for making me a member of the JAck (JA) Club. That is more special to me than you will ever know! Oh, and thank you, for dancing with me as well...when the Spirit moves you..LOL!

Hugh...thank you for being such a gentleman! When we first met in person at the Bell & Bell Annual Owner's Conference...you made me feel as if we had known each other our entire lives. You catered to me, and made me feel like a very special Lady that night...what a gentleman, and blessing in my life!

I have a mission that I have been sent on, and it never would have come to pass, had it not been for the people and relationships developed here at RacersReunion. I now am going to be the PR/Press Agent/Secretary..and whatever Bobby Williamson tells me I am..for "The Bell & Bell Vintage Modified Racing Series". I am so excited about this!! But, at the same time....a little nervous. I want to do all I can, to help and promote this Series, to the level that not only Bobby and I feel they can go..but that they deserve.

They all, do not know me quite as well, as most of y'all. I know it will take some time and work to prove myself trustworthy, and for them to realize who and what I am...and that is "I am the real deal". I hope they will see my passion as you have come to know it. And know...that anything I say or do, is in their best interest.

But you know what? It is so good to know..that I can just meander right back here, to Home anytime I need help, encouragement, advice or inspiration. God, reminded me of that this morning...thus, this post. I was not, supposed to let another moment go by without telling you, how much I love each and everyone of you, 10,000 members, whether your name was mentioned or not. Johnny Mallonee, and Billy Biscoe ...you know I love it when you carry on in the Chat Room!! LOL

You know me...when I get to talking..it goes on..and on...but, I have to get it all out, before I can do anything else. And that is exactly what happened this morning...RacersReunion was to be the first thing on my Agenda for the day. Now, I can go in peace and get something else done around here.

Oh, and one more thing....Mama you are right, I should carry RacersReunion everywhere I go. Online, offline....wherever, we are Family and I talk about, and carry my families everywhere. This is no different...and I promise I will get better at it.

NOW, let's get ready to RACE!!!!!!!!

updated by @patsy-thompkins-keisler: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
12 years ago
559 posts

TMC/Chase...and thank you for bringing in the "New Year" with me......

TMC Chase
12 years ago
4,073 posts

You got it. And next year, we shall DANCE!

Schaefer: It's not just for racing anymore.
Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
12 years ago
559 posts

Oh...I love it! How elegant it shall be..Dear Sir!

Dave Fulton
12 years ago
9,138 posts

It is so wonderful to find a group interested in sharing memories and showing interest in yours as you do in theirs. We can't go back, but we can sure have some pleasant pictures in our mind as we recall some wonderful times.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
TMC Chase
12 years ago
4,073 posts

Trying to set high expectations. But the reality about my dancing prowess is...

But hey, I've already got our photo ready to share about our tours around the parquet.

Schaefer: It's not just for racing anymore.
JAck Redd
12 years ago
111 posts

Thank you "Reddneck Lady"! God loves you and so do I - Let's dance!

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
12 years ago
559 posts

Anyway, and anyhow...you lead, will be fine with me..dear man!!

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
12 years ago
559 posts

And isn't it wonderful Dave, that we can have such a wonderful time while doing these things together?

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
12 years ago
559 posts

Always ready to dance with you, my dear JAck...always...and isn't it wonderful, knowing...God does indeed love us, just like we are?

Tim Leeming
12 years ago
3,119 posts

Patsy, that works both ways you know. You being here is as important to all of us regulars as it is to you. Thank you for mentioning me by name and in a favorable light! God bless and keep you.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
12 years ago
559 posts

My dear Tim...there is no other light that I view you, than favorable! You speak what you feel, not trying to patronize anyone....that I respect. God bless and keep you, as well..my friend!

Rich Panicaro
12 years ago
17 posts

Awesome post Patsy . I hope that you know that we all feel the same way about you . Best of luck with the Bell & Bellendeavour . Hope we can dance together for real one day . Thank you for your friendship .

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
12 years ago
559 posts

Thank you, Rich...we shall cheer each other on. And I too, hope that we dance in person one day.....

Leon Phillips
12 years ago
626 posts

That was great well said i am your bigest fan next to miss Patty K

Johnny Mallonee
12 years ago
3,259 posts

Will this dance be formal or may I wear my slightly broken in Shag Shoes

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
12 years ago
559 posts

Thank you so much, Leon!!! That mean so much to me....who knew? (smiling)

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
12 years ago
559 posts

Johnny, my dear man...you could be barefoot, as long as we dance....

Margaret Sue Turner Wright
12 years ago
14 posts

How beautifully said Patsy! I love how you talk from the Heart! Hope to see you soon!


Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
12 years ago
559 posts

Well, I didn't expect that...what a beautiful surprise! Thank you, honey! And, MargaretSue.....I do so hope to see you soon, as well...I "spect" we might be a mess..together..LOL!!