Secret Societies - Z

Dave Fulton
12 years ago
9,137 posts

Much has been made recently of NASCAR's Brian France being seemingly missing in action. Nobody has reported a sighting in quite a while.

Here in this forum we often refer to Brian France by using his middle initial - Z.

Unless you attended the University of Virginia, you would have no reason to know that there is a secret society at that school named the "Z Society." I don't know of any connection between Brian France and the Z Society.. just thought it was was an interesting tidbit.

Z Society
Description: Semi-secret ring society
Founded: Founded in 1892 as Zeta Ribbon Society
Activities : In addition to its philanthropic efforts, the Z Society hosts numerous honorary dinners and grants academic awards. The Edgar F. Shannon Awards are given to the best graduating students from each of the Universitys schools. Those so honored have pursued academic greatness with fervent ardor and keen insight while never forgetting the importance of those priorities aside from school. An annual Distinguished Faculty Award is also given, based on student nominations.
History: According to historian Philip Bruce, the Z Society originally drew the best from both Eli and T.I.L.K.A. to form an altogether incomparable association of students.
Notable: The organizations symbol occasionally includes the number 3711, the sum of 1819 (year of Universitys founding) and 1892 (year of Zs founding). Correspondence from the society is signed Mystically, Z. Its student members remain anonymous until Final Exercises, when they wear rings with the Z insignia. This is a relatively new tradition: Its student membership was once widely known, but the society became semi-secret about 30 years ago. The large white Zs around Grounds are temporarily repainted at times to show the organizations concern for pressing matters of the day. Recent examples have indicated its support for issues related to gay rights and race relations, and for Virginia Tech following the April 2007 shootings.
Myths and Legends: Superstition holds that a female student who steps on the Z painted on the steps of the bridge between Ruffner and Newcomb halls will become pregnant before she graduates. A male student who steps on the Z will fail his first exam.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"

updated by @dave-fulton: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
david earnhardt
12 years ago
112 posts

this is true and funny - last week at las vegas one of the top team execs was invited to ameeting room with nascar officials - z wasnt there - when he got there the nascar officials were having a late lunch and watching the golf tourn from doral - near the end of the race they all got up and went back to work - maybe z was in doral - lol .