Dirt.....its not just for farming...for this girl...anymore

Ronda McKnight
15 years ago
63 posts
I just want to thank Bobby Williamson for inviting the Flatheads down to Dublin speedway Saturday night. It was themost fun I have had at a race track in a long time. My first time on dirt will not be my last time. After the race I was ready to go again! I hope that we can get out two groups together again and have as much fun as we had at Dublin. Thanks again Bobby.
updated by @ronda-mcknight: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Bobby Williamson
15 years ago
907 posts
Ronda, it was FUN, and we were so thrilled for your group to join us! We will definitely have more joint ventures. Remember that we race the 2nd Saturday of each month at LakeView, and you and your group all have an open invitation. Come any time you can,Bobby
Jim Wilmore
15 years ago
488 posts
Ronda, it was a pleasure to race with the famed East Coast Flat Heads, a memory I will carry with me forever.PS> racing on dirt IS a lot of fun