The "SPIN' and I'm not talking about losing control of your race car

Tim Leeming
15 years ago
3,119 posts

My State Newspaper continues to entertain me this week with its articles leading up to the Showtime Southern 500. Yesterday I was outraged that Darlington thinks one of the top five exciting Darlington races of all time was the 1993 Southern 500 simply because there was a three hour rain delay and it was almost dark when Mark Martin won it. PL EASE!!! If that is one of the top five all time exciting races in the opinion of Darlington Raceway (assuming that means Jake, the PR man with no PR talents) then I have to wonder what drugs I was on in the 50s and 60s when there was some real racing there. Such a statement is a total insult to ANYONE who knows ANYTHING about stock car racing at Darlington. The "Raceway" should be ashamed of such an outrage.

Today, we got some good old Chris Browning "spin". The race this year is not yet a sellout because of the economy. I'll be the first one to agree that the economy stinks, I've seen it personally and contine to see it, so I'll have to give Chris the benefit of the doubt on that one. BUT (I'll say it again) BUT, in the little shadow box within the Chris Browning article were the results of an ESPN survey which, among other things, shows the tv ratings for ALL sports are down, NASCAR included. I wasn't aware the economy was harming the television watching. So, we are to think the economy is keeping folks away from the tracks, the arenas, the ball fields, and the other sports venues AND keeping us away from television. I'm a little lost in that scenario.

What I believe is that people with common sense are tired of being ripped off at every turn for entertainment. You lose interest in going because you can't afford it and next you're losing interest in watching it on tv because it grates on you that you can't afford a bigger tv to watch sports on where the guys you're watching are making millions and abusing the fans. Not so much NASCAR racing, but look at football, baseball, basketball, golf and tennis. When I hear Tim Tebow is getting $120.00 per autograph I was, and still am, totally disgusted, I don't care how great he is. I will guarantee you Tim Tebow will ask ME for MY autograph before I ask HIM for HIS.

Yeah, I know I'm rambling, but I'm ticked. Most of all, I ticked at NASCAR and their continuing efforts to remove pre 1990 history from the sport. The insult from Darlington just rubbed salt in the wound opened by the mouth of Franklin, Tennessee and his other rodent friend during the Daytona 500 telecast. Admittedly, the racing has been pretty good this year so progress is being made. But, just like everything else, as someone said to me earlier this week, we sit back and watch things be taken away from us. I have read three different articles on the NASCAR Hall of Fame today from the press that was invited to the pre-opening yesterday. Most agree it is impressive on the first visit. But, again, NASCAR missed the mark. Two France family members included and people like David Pearson not!!!!! And what about all those other guys who contibuted so much. Oh yes, I know it's a difficult thing to pick members, but some common sense could have prevailed when the selections were made. What was someone thinking to have put Big Bill and Bill, Jr. on the ballot? They should have their own honor in the Hall, NOT included in the inductees.

I also understand there is very little, comparitively, of the early history of the sport although there is a Junior Johnson "still" in there and a Hudson Hornet. Wonder what the NASCAR spin is to that? Haven't read that anywhere. I am going to plan a trip up there just to see how they really treat our history. In fact, maybe we ought to get a couple hundred Racers Reunion people in RR t-shirts to visit on the same day and really critique the place. Wonder would we get "tazed"?

Ok, that's enough rambling for tonight. See what happens when I have a few idle minutes with no Racers Reunion radio shows to listen to and nothing really on tv worth watching. Just a "chill" night as I am learning such times are called by the younger generation. Forgive the rambling, but you get the idea. What is that famous line from the movie, Network?????? I think it's


I think I need ole Jake's phone number over at Darlington and ask him if he really gets excited standing in the rain waiting for a race to resume. I just cannot justify such ignorance.


What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

updated by @tim-leeming: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Johnny Mallonee
15 years ago
3,259 posts
Well Someone give the man his phone number, I would like to know the outcome of standing in the rain also. tim has good points here and a little bit of thought from those people down in studio row or otherwise known as Daytona
15 years ago
622 posts
Lordy! On mark and on point! I can understand the TV watching in as far as the economy. Many people are dropping cable due to rising costs or as a result of having lost their job. Unless a race is aired on local TV, ABC or Fox, some racing veiwers are out of the loop.I, myself, recently switched my cable vendor in order to receive more channels at a lower price. I also needed to upgrade my 10 year old system, since everything is HD now. When do we leave for a road trip?!On a side note, did you catch the article on page B-7 today? Look down at the bottom center of the page, re: FB.
Jeff Gilder
15 years ago
1,784 posts
Lol...just send him a message...Jake is a member here. Great rant Mr. Legend. I love it when you chillin ticks you off.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Leon Phillips
15 years ago
626 posts
Way to go Legdon i will still put Memory Lane number one but after what BB said i will have to go check out Nascar`s Hall sounds like it might be pertty good but i will have to ware my Legdons helping Legdons T shirt and i will have my RR T shirt on stand by
Tim Leeming
15 years ago
3,119 posts
Dear Billy Biscoe,Thank you for taking time for that awesome response. I am very pleased to hear the NASCAR HOF is going to be the treat we true race fans deserve, and, coming from you I have full faith it is. My concern has been, is, and will continue to be, the ever spouting mouths that want to cap our history as beginning in 1979 or 1980, D.W. being the prime example. This clown over at Darlington who can't even spell "P.R." is parading himself around as some sort of expert in Darlington history and I resent that. You, my friend, are the voice of reason and I appreciate you very much. YOU are a part of that history I don't want to see lost. YOU are a BIG part of that history. Thanks for being there and thanks for watching out for my rantings.Tim

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Russell Rector
15 years ago
80 posts
Once again Tim,you've hit the nail on the head.