Tracks and Quakes

11 years ago
622 posts

Did anyone feel like they were at a local track last night around 10:23 p.m.?

If so, tell me where you were and what you were doing.

I literally felt the earth move under my shoes!

updated by @devin: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Tim Leeming
11 years ago
3,119 posts

I was sitting here in The Lair, working on a short story I'm writing (not for publication here). Things in The Lair started to rattle and several of my die cast cars began to roll off the shelves. Sounded like one of those Hemis from the 1964 Daytona 500 rolling past just outside the window. Not sure how long it lasted but must have been about 10 seconds as I had time to jump up and grab the #43 Superbird just before it rolled off its pedestal.

My next througt was that it was a jet or helicopter that flew over too low but about that time our phone rang and it was our daughter asking if we had felt anything. She said it was an earthquake. We turned on the television and thanks for WLTX and their fine staff, we got all the details right away.

My next and final thought before going to bed was that in less than three days we had experienced sleet, snow, freezing rain, sunshine, a full moon, and now an earthquake. What next? The wicked witch flying over the house with her flying monkeys trailing behind her?

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Dave Fulton
11 years ago
9,138 posts

Glad y'all survived the rattling. Heard it was really bad around Augusta. Snow, sleet, freezing rain, thunder snow, earthquakes... maybe somebody upstairs doesn't like the "new" Chase format.

4.1 magnitude quake strikes in South Carolina

By Greg Botelho , CNN
updated 2:05 AM EST, Sat February 15, 2014
This USGS community internet intensity map shows how many people reported feeling the earthquake.
This USGS community internet intensity map shows how many people reported feeling the earthquake.

  • The quake was centered near Edgefield, South Carolina, not far from Augusta, Georgia
  • It was about 3 miles deep and felt in metropolitan Atlanta, some 160 miles to the west
  • Authorities say they have no immediate reports of damages or injuries

(CNN) -- A 4.1 magnitude earthquake struck Friday night in west-central South Carolina, the U.S. Geological Survey reported.

The quake was the strongest to hit South Carolina since 2002, local emergency management officials said.

The quake was centered 7 miles (12 kilometers) west-northwest of Edgefield, which is about 25 miles north of Augusta, Georgia, and 60 miles southwest of Columbia, South Carolina. The town of Edgefield has some 4,750 residents, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

The USGS estimates the quake's depth was about 3 miles (4.6 kilometers).

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
11 years ago
622 posts

Same here. Can't help but wonder what will be next! Glad all is well in Turn 3.

Sounded like a plane crashinTurn 2. House shook. I looked out the windowand saw no visible damage.

Called the police dept to make sure what I'd experienced had really just happened. The dispatcher said he didn't know what had happened and stated the phone was ringing off the hook. Then a good friendtexted me and said get on line now. Definitely a scary moment.

11 years ago
622 posts

Thanks, Dave. I wish somebody upstairs would let us know by telegram next time! :) My feet tingled for a good 30 minutes afterwards. Funny how the body responds to occurrences'.

Tim Leeming
11 years ago
3,119 posts

I just discovered it was NOT the quake I felt. I had my cell phone on vibrate and Brian was calling.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

bill mcpeek
11 years ago
820 posts

lol...good one, now that's funny......