Radio Draglist Hits the Web on June 18!

Bill Pratt
15 years ago
460 posts
OK Super Crew, here is the first announcement: is getting it's own radio show on Jeff Gilder's Racer's Reunion Network!

Yes, we will be joining veterans Sam Auxier, Jr., and Wally Bell with a new radio news, info, and call in show! It will air on Friday nights, and we plan to get everyone ready for the weekend! So tune in as you are working on the car to get ready for the track the next day OR... if you are just at home having a few highballs while surfing the net!

The working title is Racin and Rockin with, and the format of the show will be a news, info, and open call in show. We will do upcoming events for the weekend, plus some of the news stories that I get at We will grab a topic or two that is big in the sport and see if we can get folks to call in for a discussion....

One of the things we'll be doing is reaching out to promoters with upcoming events to come on and do five or ten minutes on their events.

Joining me as regulars on the show will be Draglist Research Editor Danny White and Houston Musician/Artist/Drag Racing Fan John Bockelman, AKA Wildcat1! These Texas gentlemen will help this Yankee keep the conversation going and John might even break out the guitar or keyboards now and then!

So tell your friends and be sure to come up and give us a listen! We plan to have a LOT of fun with this! Super crew are encouraged to call in and join the party.

My plan is to do the first show on Friday, June 18... BE THERE!

(Here's another look at what it's about)... got any ideas or suggestions? bp

Radio Draglist hits the web on Friday night, June 18! Join Bill, Danny, and John for an irreverent look at drag racing, music, and pop culture. Racing news, upcoming events, racing stats, racing history, fantasy drag racing all are fair game! Call in and give us YOUR take on what's happening in drag racing (or what happened back in the day). Radio Draglist, where it's gotta be fast and it's gotta be FUN!

updated by @bill-pratt: 06/03/17 10:40:37PM
Bill Pratt
15 years ago
460 posts
Thanks, Wally! It will be great to be up there on the air with my doorslammer heroes, Sam Auxier, Jr., and Wally Bell! bp
Jeff Gilder
15 years ago
1,784 posts
We're gonna have drag racing then and now covered like the dew covers dixie.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Bill Pratt
15 years ago
460 posts
Hi guys. We REALLY just put the motor together, loaded 'er on the ramp truck, just made it through the gates before first round, and we're gonna go out there and see what it does!I will announce the time early this week (or later today), but my assumption is 7 to 9pm on Friday (maybe 8 to 10). Will finalize that by tomorrow.The call in number 1-877-500-9387. The cool thing is, this is the SAME number whether you want to chat on the show or just listen... so you would call that number and press ONE if you want to join the show to talk. If not, you just keep on listening. That way, you can have us on the cell phone (on speaker?) if you are away from home.The best place to get on the show is by going to this link: Once there, you click the big icon in the middle of the screen. Also, you guys should sign up so that you can click the CHAT button in the upper right hand side... we all will be able to chat during the show and even if you don't want to get on the air, you can upload questions and ideas via the chat...PS... What I'm describing works the same way for the Sam Auxier, Jr., show on Monday nights and on the Wally Bell show on Wednesday nights.Sam always has one or two major guests and is more of an in depth interview show centering on the guests. Very cool and informative with awesome stars of the sport. Sam works very hard to bring us guys like Garlits, Prudhomme, McEwen, Joe Amato, and others. You should listen every Monday night if you can. I try not to miss a show.Wally's show is also an interview show, but is more of an informal bench racing session between old friends, most of whom Wally has raced against. This week it's Bill Kuhlmann and Animal Jim on the same show. How cool. Wally has featured Animal Jim, Charles Carpenter, and other great guests. The two hours go SO fast as the bench racing flows...My show will follow the style, which is to say, we are gonna throw a lot of stuff at the wall, see what sticks, and make adjustments going forward! It will be hugely based on what the listeners want to hear. It will be wide open as far as callers go, so we may very well have some top stars join us, but for the most part, we are going to leave the hard core interviewing to Sam, who has worked so hard to build that format, and to Wally, who has those great personal connections with his fellow racers. Our job will be to bring folks up to speed on the news of the week, to discuss the hot topics of the moment in drag racing, and to have some fun!For this week, we'll do some intros to let folks know who we are, then we are going to discuss the week's news briefly, discuss what's coming up in the sport (to make sure folks know of the events and can attend), and then we'll have our Bench Racing Topic of the week... This week, I want to talk about drag racing DISTANCE for fuel cars. Weigh in with your ideas about quarter mile vs. 1000 foot vs. eighth mile. If you want to go back to the 1320, what do we change? Anything? Let's hear it!If there is time, we will do our Fantasy DREAM FIELD of the week, which will be the best all time TOP FUEL field throughout history... which drivers, cars, years would be in the all time top fuel field? This will give us a chance to remember some older cars that modern fans may not even know about... it will be mind bending and fun. THEN... callers can tell us who they think we MISSED in the all time field! We plan to do ALL pro and semipro drag racing classes in the weeks to come.AND FINALLY... what do YOU think we should talk about? Bring your questions, comments, funny stories, or WHATEVER!You guys are my compass... tell me which way we should go! bp
Bill Pratt
15 years ago
460 posts
Friday night from 8-10pm! Racin' and Rockin' with hits the air! Here's the lineup: 8 to 8:30 -- introductions... who we are and what we are gonna do with the show! 8:30 to 9:00 -- Weekend Race Report... promoters, racers, circuit directors, track owners: Call in and tell us what's up this weekend. Let's get some fans out to your events! 9:00 to 10:00 -- Bench Racing Topic of the Week: Quarter Mile, 1000 Feet, or Eighth Mile: Which Way Should We Go? Call in and give us YOUR take on whether NHRA fuel cars should stay at 1000 Feet, go back to 1320 Feet, or even go to 660 feet! What technological changes should they make to slow the cars down if they go to the quarter again? SHOULD they slow down the cars? What about the records? What about the asterisks next to the records? Here's your chance to weigh in and share your thoughts. Danny, John, and I will talk to you on Friday night! bp
Bill Pratt
15 years ago
460 posts
Our first show is in the books and I had a great time! I hope everyone listening did, too! Thanks to my friends Danny White and John Bockelman for joining me in the 'announcing booth.' They did a super job! Thanks also to my 'first show' callers, including caller number ONE, Larry Clayton, the outstanding former owner/manager of Maryland Internationals Raceway. Thanks to my other terrific guests, too, including Jim Sanders, Wally Bell, Jay Radabaugh, George 'The Stone Age Man' Hutcheson, "Jack Approved" Jack Redd, Daryl Arnold, and Standard 1320 founder Lee Schelin. The two hours went TOO FAST! We are gonna do it every Friday night from 8-10, however, and I hope we can have some of these great guests back (plus MORE!). Thanks also to Jeff and Dustin Gilder, who offered us the spot and who both produced such a great show. bp
Bill Pratt
15 years ago
460 posts
Forgot to mention Don Phillips, who called in all the way from Nova Scotia! Thanks, Maritime!