Mini bike dragbike at Utica-Rome Dragway '70s

Allen James Bagg Jr.
11 years ago
1 posts

Recently talking to a friend about our racing at Utica Rome Dragway around 1970. I found a thread by Tom Loughlin From Utica whom I was friends with back in the day. Found many comments about the bike I built and raced then, the last in a series of the. It was a laydown frame McCullough go cart motored bike. I posted a quick comment there. In the coming days I am going to Oxford, NY and while there will stop at a house of mine where I have stored memorabilia. I plan to post here all the details and pictures I have. Seems there is still discussion going on about this. I gave the frame and some motor blocks and parts to Neil Jacabs of Utica in the early 70s when I went Moto-cross racing.

updated by @allen-james-bagg-jr: 12/05/16 08:53:48AM