Gary Lewallen's Trailer Stolen

Jan Woodberry
14 years ago
171 posts

Gary Lewallen's trailer was stolen tonight. Below is a picture of the trailer. If you see it please notify law enforcement or Gary. Hopefully the trailer will be found and the crooks caught.

updated by @jan-woodberry: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Tim Leeming
14 years ago
3,119 posts
That is totally disgusting. To steal anything from anyone is awful but to steal from someone like Gary is a mortal sin. Hope they catch them with all the goods in tact. Maybe, with a little luck, the crooks will engage in a shoot-out with the cops and we won't have to waste tax payer money for a trial where the crooks will get a light sentence. I know that sounds harsh, but, working in the judicial system it is easy to see the victim has NO rights and the crooks have all the rights.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Mike Sykes
14 years ago
308 posts
Tim as I stated on FB I have a big old oak tree that needs some decorations hanging from it. Know what I mean and I will supply the rope.
Cody Dinsmore
14 years ago
589 posts
I hope they find it soon. Stealing is just despicable! And the worst part that the crime rate is rising. I belong to a hot rod club/message board, and it's becoming more now, but they're always reports of these nice rods being stolen from hotel parking lots when traveling, not only that, but also out of garages. I'm not sure how Gary's trailer...but personally, I don't care it was stolen, it just needs to be returned/found and the steelee (if that's even a word. lol) needs to be severely punished!-Cody
Johnny Mallonee
14 years ago
3,259 posts
seems to be a rash of this stuff going on. My car trailer was stolen Mon nite long with the contents on it. I probably will never see it again. here is a photo of it setting beside bldg It was parked beside the door at the shop loaded
Jan Woodberry
14 years ago
171 posts
Sorry about your items too, Johnny. We've had 2 breakins in 1 year so I know how it feels to be robbed. I hope your things are found and the thieves brought to justice. Jan

Johnny Mallonee said:
seems to be a rash of this stuff going on. My car trailer was stolen Mon nite long with the contents on it. I probably will never see it again. here is a photo of it setting beside bldg It was parked beside the door at the shop loaded
Cody Dinsmore
14 years ago
589 posts

I need to really be more cautious on my typing...I'membarrassedbecause I realized that I put "I don't care it was stolen" I meant to say, I don't care HOW it was stolen, that doesn't really matter, the point is, it shouldn't have been done in the first place.



Cody Dinsmore said:

I hope they find it soon. Stealing is just despicable! And the worst part that the crime rate is rising. I belong to a hot rod club/message board, and it's becoming more now, but they're always reports of these nice rods being stolen from hotel parking lots when traveling, not only that, but also out of garages. I'm not sure how Gary's trailer...but personally, I don't care it was stolen, it just needs to be returned/found and the steelee (if that's even a word. lol) needs to be severely punished!

Mike Sykes
14 years ago
308 posts
Cody you can't make a mistake if you do nothing. So if in life you make a mistake at least you are making an effort.

Cody Dinsmore said:

I need to really be more cautious on my typing...I'membarrassedbecause I realized that I put "I don't care it was stolen" I meant to say, I don't care HOW it was stolen, that doesn't really matter, the point is, it shouldn't have been done in the first place.



Cody Dinsmore said:

I hope they find it soon. Stealing is just despicable! And the worst part that the crime rate is rising. I belong to a hot rod club/message board, and it's becoming more now, but they're always reports of these nice rods being stolen from hotel parking lots when traveling, not only that, but also out of garages. I'm not sure how Gary's trailer...but personally, I don't care it was stolen, it just needs to be returned/found and the steelee (if that's even a word. lol) needs to be severely punished!

Jan Woodberry
14 years ago
171 posts
Cody, don't feel bad, we all make mistakes! In fact to start with I put "Gary Lewallyn's was stolen". I happened to notice it in time to change it. I would have never lived that down!! LOL I appreciate your post and we knew what you meant!

Cody Dinsmore said:

I need to really be more cautious on my typing...I'membarrassedbecause I realized that I put "I don't care it was stolen" I meant to say, I don't care HOW it was stolen, that doesn't really matter, the point is, it shouldn't have been done in the first place.



Cody Dinsmore said:

I hope they find it soon. Stealing is just despicable! And the worst part that the crime rate is rising. I belong to a hot rod club/message board, and it's becoming more now, but they're always reports of these nice rods being stolen from hotel parking lots when traveling, not only that, but also out of garages. I'm not sure how Gary's trailer...but personally, I don't care it was stolen, it just needs to be returned/found and the steelee (if that's even a word. lol) needs to be severely punished!

ray lamm
14 years ago
214 posts
that is sad.i hope he found it.