Jimmy Johnson

Paul J, Black, Jr.
14 years ago
4 posts

Hi all, I am a racer from N Y and met Jimmy many years ago on a trip to N C. Long story short, we became fast friends and shared lots of "Crown" together, and just as an aside, sold some QuicShine 99 along the way.I just spoke to Jimmy an hour ago and although he did sound good, I could tell he is down. Update: He is still with Mike and the motorhome is still in the shop. He is still getting ripped off and without it he cannot work. He's bouncing between Mike's shop and the motel and desperately needs about $1000 to get the motorhome out so he can go back to work and continue to do what he does, work and make people happy.

Folks, anyone who knows Jimmy knows he's a proud man. He needs help and I know from personal experience that when a racer needs help, there are no better people around than other racers. So please, I kow times are tough for all of us, but every little bit helps. You can still reach Jimmy through Mike's address, so let's all dig deep and get that motorhome and tour back on the road. Thanks all and God Bless.

updated by @paul-j-black-jr: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,783 posts
I do not know what the total donated has been but it has been over $2000.00 so far. Several folks donated through our paypal button here on the site and several more mailed donations to both me and Michael W Smith for Jimmy. There are a few more dollars and the offer of mechanical labor donations in queue for the next phase of this project. Jimmy owes $500.00 to the shop that has the coach and hopefully all but an injector pump...or wring issue related to the number 5 cylinder is all that remains to be fixed. We do not know yet if this shop caused that problem.At this point I'm not sure it is fair to say he is being ripped off. I think the major concern of the shop that has done the work thus far is making sure they get paid for the work. I think they may have dragged their feet for that reason...but I'm not totally sure of all the details there.The plan is to pay them the balance and move the coach to another location this week so the volunteer mechanics can properly assess and diagnose the remaining problem. They will also be able to determine if all other work was properly done an appropriately charged.I personally know of folks who donated money to this that were not really in a (financial) position to do so. I do know Jimmy is very grateful for the help and the support he has received.

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