NASCAR Legends by Robert Edelstein, a "Must Read"

Tim Leeming
14 years ago
3,119 posts

Robert Edelstein is a member of Racers Reunion who also happens to be the exclusive motorsports writer for TV Guide and a contributing Editor at "Broadcasting and Cable" He has written two previous books which I have not had the pleasure of reading as yet, but will soon. Robert and I discussed his new book "NASCAR Legends, Memorable Men, Moments and Machines in Racing History". I just finished the book and I'm here to tell you that if you are a racing fan, especially a racing fan who enjoys what happens here at Racers Reunion, you need to jump on or whatever site you use to order your reading material and ask them to rush you a copy of the book.

Robert is quick to point out (page 11 as a matter of fact) that he was a 33 year old Jewish Kid from New York when he was asked to inteview Bobby Allison for an article for one of the publications to which he contributed. He explains that he knew nothing, or very little, about the sport, and was uncomfortable in the situation in which he found himself at the Waldorf Astoria for that interview. He attributes his love for the sport as starting with that Bobby Allison interview.

This book provides the reader with some indepth background as to Dale Earnhardt, Dale, Jr., The Petty Family, and others,but I won't attempt to tell those stories here because Robert has done a most superb job of doing so in "Legends".

Each and every Chapter of the book, indeed every page, was a true delight as memories came rushing back of so many glorious days of the sport, and some pages brought tears as the deaths of Dale, Sr. and Adam Petty were recalled, as well as the death of Davey Allison. Although practically impossible to select a favorite passage, paragraph or page, I personally read Chapter 5 twice as it was so poignant in describing the essence of racers and race fans.

So, if you want to spend some quality time reading a quality book about the NASCAR Legends, get your hands on "NASCAR Legends" by Robert Edelstein, published by The Overlook Press. I promise you won't go wrong. It's about what we do here at Racers Reunion and it is done very well. Congratulations Robert!!!


What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

updated by @tim-leeming: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Robert Edelstein
14 years ago
4 posts


I can't thank you enough for taking the time to read the book, and it's incredibly gratifying to hear that it touched you in some way. Funny: I was thinking about chapter five last night, literally shaking my head while considering the nearly impossible level of courage some racers have had in this great sport. When I started working on the book, that chapter was the first one I KNEW I had to do, so your extremely generous review made me smile all the more.

Thanks again, Tim.

14 years ago
1 posts
I am encouraged here to acquire your book and see what you have to say about much of the reality that I lived personally. I shall find this no doubt enlightening. My appreciation to you Robeert for writing it and to you, Tim, for bringing the epistle to light. C. Thomas, "Little Red", Vogt, Ph.D., JD
Robert Edelstein
14 years ago
4 posts
Thank YOU, Patty, very much. And "Little Red," I hope it doesn't disappoint--and I hope you'll tell me how you feel about it good, bad or ugly. Thanks again.
TMC Chase
14 years ago
4,073 posts
Thanks for the tip Tim. Now I'm connecting the dots. I have read one of Robert's books, "Full Throttle" about Curtis Turner. That book is easily in my top 5 favorite racing titles along with books such as "Driving with the Devil" by Neal Thompson and "The World's Number One, Flat-Out, All-Time Great, Stock Car Racing Book" by Jerry Bledsoe. Robert's work on Full Throttle gives immediate street cred to his new release. Its now on my Amazon wish list.

Good to see you here Robert.

Schaefer: It's not just for racing anymore.
Robert Edelstein
14 years ago
4 posts

. . . and thanks so much, "toomuch." The comparison is high praise indeed; I think "Driving with the Devil" is terrific. Neal was kind enough write a book jacket review for my new book, which meant a great deal to me. I'm eagerly awaiting his next one.