A "rustyracer" Feel Good Story

Randy Myers2
14 years ago
219 posts

Back in April I was at Charlotte Motor Speedway for the Food Lion Auto Fair. Ol "rustyracer" had a few pieces on display for sale in his spaces and while I was sitting there talking with Mr. Bisco, a lady picked up a tarnshed silver bowl from the piles of stuff on display. She carefully examined the bowl, then gently placed it back on the table.

Curious doesn't describe my thoughts as the lady gazed at the bowl. I asked Billy where thebowl came from and he told me to just get it and have a look. As it turned out, the tarnished silver bowl was the trophy from the Pocono Raceway Modifed "qualifier" at Bowman Gray Stadium in 1978. Billy had the trophy priced quite reasonably at $125.00 but that was out of my price range so Billy, knowing how much I loved racing history, gave it to me. Only thing he asked was to let him know what I found out about the trophy. He said he bought it at a Hospice "tag" sale in Burlington. We both wondered how it came to be at that sale.

Well, to make a long story short, I came home and got an old BGS program and looked up the winners from the 1978 season. Paul Radford's name came up several times along with Philip Smith, Billy Middleton, Melvin Swisher, Jerry Cook, Don Smith, Johny Johnson and Al Hill. First on my list was Radford since he won several times that year and after a couple of other calls, I kinda hit a dead end. I was telling my story to a friend who just happened to have all the issues of Hank Schoolfield's "SouthernMotoRacing" papers. A bit of quick research turned up the winner. Even had a photo of the winner and his trophy. Turns out, the trophy in the photo is not the tarnished silver bowl but the "track" trophy. We did a bit more checking to make sure we were dealing with the correct trophy and race winner of the 1978 "Rose City 200", that wasthe only Pocono Raceway Qualifying Event held at BGS in "78".

This past Saturday night, I made one of my infrequent trips to the "Madhouse" but before I left home, I cleaned the tarnish from the silver bowl, wrapped it in newspaper and placed it in a bag and delivered it to it's rightful owner. I found Don Smith, who beat Jerry Cook to the checkered flag,sitting in the stands andexplained to him what I had. He had no knowledge of the "other" trophy that was provided by Pocono Raceway to all the winners of "qualifiers" for their big Modified races. I guess we'll never know why Don never received the trophy or how it wound up at a "tag" sale in Burlington. We do know that after 33 years, it has found it's way home to it's rightful owner. Thanks to ol "rustyracer", the circle is now complete.

updated by @randy-myers2: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Tim Leeming
14 years ago
3,119 posts

Randy, the awesome thing about Billy is that EVERY Billy story is a "feel good" story. In the three years I've known the gentleman I have seen example after example of Billy giving to others, caring about others, and going beyond the call of duty to make things happen for deserving people. Billy is one of those individuals who makes the world a much better place just by his being here.


What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Randy Myers2
14 years ago
219 posts
I'll second that and say thanks again for himmaking it possible for Don to get what he had earned 33 years ago.
Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,137 posts
You guys went over, above and beyond... thanks.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts
Great story! Thanks for sharing.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Leon Phillips
14 years ago
626 posts
Great story i vote Billy Bisco aka BB RR Person of the year
Mike Sykes
14 years ago
308 posts
I'll second that he and Karen are trojan horses and helps many that we know nothing about. I am honored to call them my friends.
Robert Mitchell
14 years ago
327 posts
Great story! You guys are good people.
Hotrod Willie
10 years ago
2 posts

Billy Bisco is great teacher. He taught me some great lessons past weekend.

1. How to work a auction. You do want ever it take to the part you are looking for.

2. Two Auburn oil gauge are better then one.

3. He also show me how to grease up your rear end with the right grease.

Thanks again for the lessons. The next auction will be a lot fun.

Bobby Williamson
10 years ago
907 posts

A neighborhood kid has been following me around the vintage racing scene for several years, now. He began driving my race car, last year, in the novice division, when he finally got to be 14.... A few years ago, BB heard the story of my apprentice.........and promptly delivered (all the way from Denton to Shallotte) an old, rolling, go-kart frame, a gift for my young helper. That's BB, heart of gold!

TMC Chase
10 years ago
4,073 posts

Schaefer: It's not just for racing anymore.