New NASCAR Study Says Sport Needs New Fans

Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,138 posts

Wow,NASCAR isactually paying money for these studies. Study concludes they need new fans. Who'd have ever guessed?

NASCAR review finds need to attract new fans

By Jim Utter

Posted: Friday, Jul. 01, 2011 DAYTONA

NASCAR officials are accelerating their pursuit of new fans in the wake of a review that highlighted concerns. Among the issues NASCAR plans to address right away: help new fans become acclimated to the sport; continue efforts to diversify its drivers and make those drivers and fans feel welcome; expand its digital and social media presence; and identify and help brand drivers earlier in their careers. In meetings this week, NASCAR began sharing the findings of its review with team owners and drivers and gave the media a brief overview Thursday at Daytona International Speedway. "I think that everybody has the same goal in mind and it is no different than anything else," said driver Kevin Harvick. "Times change. Perspective of younger audiences change. "Everybody wants that 18-to-34 demographic. You want to keep the current fans and (keep) the old school fans happy, too. It is a fine balance." The review consisted of five studies in areas of communications, fans' race experiences, driver star power, digital and social media and targeting new fans. Some issues are being addressed, including the creation of a website for younger fans, capitalizing on NASCAR's involvement with action sports athletes and the development of Spanish-language promotions for races later this year at Chicagoland, Phoenix and Homestead, Fla. The plan is still being developed and will address immediate issues as well as topics years down the road, officials said. The review found a general consensus that the racing on the track is doing well. "I feel like our on-track performance has been good, but there's more to it than that," said driver Denny Hamlin. "We've got to attract new, young fans and those are the people that are going to be coming to the races, bringing their families 10 years from now." NASCAR has seen an overall increase in TV viewership this season, but particularly in the 18-to-34 age demographic, which is craved by sponsors. "Sometimes you have to take a step back and look at everything where the sport is at," said four-time Cup champion Jeff Gordon. "In these times, you look at how tough it is just to be in business in general (and) you have to look at how you impact not only your core fans that are already big loyal fans but reach out to new fans."

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"

updated by @dave-fulton: 04/13/17 01:38:36PM
Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts
This is borderline comedy!

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,138 posts
Maybe they can just close the tracks and do cell phone racing or something. Then they'd no longer have to worry about filling seats or having tv viewers. I remember one time at a convention in Myrtle Beach when Paul Sawyer told Ralph Seagraves that he promoted races and filled stands before Winston came along and he'd still be doing it after they left. He was right on both counts. He further said nobody had ever paid money to see a cigarette race. Same goes for phones, etc. The bottom line is they need to take care of the racing and the fan and some of this other stuff would take care of itself. Unfortunately, I don't see NASCAR having on board those with the mentality to do that.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts
Fortunately I'm not yet so far over the hill that I can't remember 2003, 2004, & 2005 when they were "reaching out" to "new markets" to "broaden their fan base. In this process they dumped the existing fans. I do remember saying many times...these new fans you're seeking are here to day and gone tomorrow. Where are they this day?...Gone! Where will the new ones be in a short guessed it...gone!. They just can't continue to run through sponsors and fans at this rate. We're not making them so fast that you can kill off 40 million at a time. Same advice as before NASCAR, give the fans what they want, rather than trying to find fans that like what you've created...they'll take care of the sponsors...should have started with the ones you had. We told you we didn't like the top 35 BS. We hate the car and you can take the lucky dog....and your gopher family and introduce that to yer new friends.'ll probably keep running through the 18 to 34s looking for some that say they like all you have to offer. And they might...for a very short period of time. Next!

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Tim Leeming
14 years ago
3,119 posts

My God!!!! I cannot believe this. NASCAR actually paid some company to tell them they need new fans! I would guess that is a pretty good study because NASCAR has been driving the old ones away faster than a hemi-Plymouth in a pole run at Daytona in 1964. Everytime I think I have heard the epitome of ignorance from those people on Volusia Avenue in Daytona, they top themselves.

Jeff, it is borderline comedy but it is also very, very sad. Demographics don't mean a hill of beans. We here at Racers Reunion have been trying to tell them for three years what they need to do and NASCAR has only acknowledged our existence a couple of times and one of those times was using your song, Jeff, for the HOF announcement for Ned Jarrett.

And, just what the hell does NASCAR consider "core fans"? I think all of us here were, at one time, core fans. Some of us still hang on the hope. I just finished watching the Nationwide race and will be watching the 400 tomorrow simply because it is Daytona. Does that make me a core fan? Or just someone who enjoys watching races on the tracks I grew up with. They can bulldoze Kentucky, Chicagoland, Texas, Homestead and any of those new all alike tracks and give me back MY Southern 500 at Darlington on Labor Day weekend.

Next time NASCAR wants to pay for such a study, have them go to and we can tell them what they need to do. Damn, you can cure ignorance with education but there is NO cure for stupid and there are an awful lot of stupid people trying to run that circus known as NASCAR. Brian Z. France is the biggest ZERO in sports. NFL is locked out, NBA is locked out. Someone ought to lock that idiot IN.


What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.