Tim Leeming
14 years ago
3,119 posts

The city where I live, well actually, outside the city, has a slogan that says "Famously Hot". Columbia, SC, does seem to exceed the norm in summer termps, mostly it seems from humidity. Whatever the reason, it's been hot here with every day in June exceeding 90 degrees which has not happened since records were started 120 years ago. It is now 8:50 and 85 outside. Hot, hot. With all due respect to Al Gore (of which I have ZERO) it's NOT global warming although it may be heavenly inspired climate change as scientiest have documented has occurring throughout the existance of the world. Be that as it may, this is not a history lesson nor a religious sermon, it is intended to be a statement of what is to come tonight at Daytona.

I read an interview with Tony Stewart today in which he says, basically, "if you try to block me, you're toast". He has stated, promised in fact, that any driver who blocks him on track will suffer the consequences and be "wall bound". Sounds like old Tony is going to become the official in charge of providing test material for the softwalls.

We shall see tonight. "Have at it boys" will become "I've had it boys". Should be a good race if last night was any indication.


What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

updated by @tim-leeming: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Johnny Mallonee
14 years ago
3,259 posts

You dont even have your drivers suit on yet,dont compare it to that coat and tie(bow tie is accepted too) set you wear. That helmet isnt full face you wear either you dont even wear wingtips. Define the cool suit setup thats used around the Capitol bldg.

Its hotter in Cola than almost anywhere I guess, could it be because of the Congree River running so closeto interstate that it creates an Vortex effect?

If you remember it wasnt hot at all on most thurs nites out at the track was it.

Set it at 78 degrees and get comfortable. you can drive most laps in the comfort of the Dragons Lair--Ooopps Legends Lair.

Green flag shortly

Richard Guido
14 years ago
238 posts

I will say this Tim. Tony predicted the dumping at Sonoma which is meaningless to predict dumpingat Sonoma but low and behold he does it first I think. The hot head had to be embarassed with his car sitting on a heap of tires near the end. Even funnier was he still had to run his mouth afterwards.

Just another round of the traveling, circus courtesy of NASCAR.

Richard Guido
14 years ago
238 posts
Robbie, you put that in clear terms ........

Robbie Solesbee said:
Well Tim, from what I've learned from a BBC series i'vebeen watchingon how this planet was formed and the critters that were here long before us, weather patterns shift- and in a drastic manner. Weather shifts extinted 80% of all life on earth at least twice and onewasduring the age of man. In which after all was said anddone, only a few small pocket of humans ineast centralAfrica and north east Europe survived. Estimates vary from less than 10k to 15k people remained on Earth. Just think of the infieldat some racetracks and imagine that as the entire population of the planet. Also thesurface area of this planet that is paved over, the size of most ciities and concentration, andconsideringheat retention properties of stone, tar,steel, and glass.Drive around town tonight and then head out past Chapin and notice the diffence. Oh, andplanetary systems are eventually consumed by their own sun as their obrits shortenwith eachpassing year. Sweet dreams everyone. On the blocking thing anytime you fight over limited space on a racetrack it ends badly if you force the issueand the most likely person to comeout on the losing end wil be yourself. I can cite many personal experiences.
Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,137 posts
I saw a suggestion today that in the future with the current car of tomorrow/today or whatever that flatsided shoebox is now called, that in the future at Daytona and Talladega they qualify two cars running nose to tail like they do in the race, with the lead car getting credit for the posted speed. And, yes, Tim, it is HOT and I always remember Columbia beinghotter than anywhere else, dating to my first visit there in 1951 to visit my great aunt. Thank goodness she had one of those old time wraparound porches and a yard covered in big, mature trees. But even at age 3, I remember it being a hot drive in 1951 in dad's 1950 Plymouth (4-door, not Johnny Mantz's Southern 500-winning coupe) down U.S. Route 1 from Richmond to Columbia, via Petersburg, Raleigh, et al in 1951.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"