Ingram's Grandson Arrested in Ransom Theft of Jack's Championship Mementos

Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,138 posts

From the Asheville Citizen-Times:

Mementos stolen from Asheville racing icon Ingram

Grandson charged in the case

Jul. 14, 2011 CANDLER Legendary race car driver Jack Ingram accumulated his share of mementos from a stellar racing career from rings in honor of championships to medallions awarded by a sponsor. That made the theft of $5,000 worth of items like those saddening and the phone call offering their return for a price infuriating, Ingram said. Deepening the pain was the arrest Thursday of his 25-year-old grandson in connection to the case. Buncombe County Sheriff's investigators charged Jackson Layne Ingram with breaking and entering and larceny, according to warrants at the Buncombe magistrate's office. Sheriff's office Lt. Randy Sorrells confirmed the investigation but gave little information about the case. Items stolen from Ingram's Candler home include a diamond ring he was awarded by NASCAR for winning the 1982 Busch Series championship. His wife's 1957 Reynolds High School class ring also was taken. Someone also took an assortment of gold and diamond jewelry a 1985 championship ring presented to him by his racing sponsor, a Skoal Bandit medallion and Elgin watch. It's devastating, he said. You can't just go out and buy another ring like that. And who would want it if it was reproduced? I don't know how you could put a price on it, he said. Ingram, 74, declined to discuss his grandson and said he has not talked with him since the arrest. Investigators believe the jewelry was taken on the night of June 29, though Ingram and his wife Aline didn't notice the theft immediately. The couple had gone out to dinner that night and were away from home about an hour and a half, Ingram said. Several days later, a man Ingram did not know called him and said he had the jewelry, proposing that Ingram pay him $1,000 for the return of the items. I told him I wasn't going to do it, Ingram said. He said sheriff's detectives developed Jackson Ingram as a suspect after canvassing the neighborhood. They talked with the neighbors about anybody they might have seen, he said. They said he (Jackson) was there.

According to the N.C. Department of Corrections, Jackson Ingram has prior convictions dating to 2005 that include obtaining property by false pretense, breaking and entering, larceny, drug possession, hit and run and DWI. He served more than a year in state prison before his release last September following a conviction for obtaining property by false pretense. But Ingram said he still has affection for Jackson. I always will, he said. He's our grandson. Jackson Ingram, of Justice Ridge Road, Candler, was being held Thursday at the Buncombe County Detention Center in lieu of $5,000 bond. Jack Ingram was among 2011 nominees to the NASCAR Hall of Fame. An Asheville native who still operates his race shop off Brevard Road, he won three straight championships (1972-74) in the Busch Series Grand National Division and a fourth when the division was reorganized into the NASCAR Busch Series in 1982. He won his fifth championship in 1985 and won 31 Busch races. The NASCAR Hall opened last year in Charlotte, and Ingram built a car that is on display there.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"

updated by @dave-fulton: 07/08/18 08:58:02AM
Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts
Man, that's sad!

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
TMC Chase
14 years ago
4,073 posts

The hellish pit associated with drugs seemingly has no bottom. Years ago, I had a cousin who got so entangled with dope. My aunt, uncle and other cousins had to literally move to another state to get away from him. They loved him - but feared what may have happened if they stayed. It was a couple of months before my aunt called my dad to let him know what they had done and why. After the move, my cousin basically had 2 family members left who would tolerate him: our grandmother and my dad (his uncle). Sure enough, as in Jack's case, my cousin robbed my grandmother. Took what little cash he could but also took a bunch of stuff from a doll collection she had. The dolls of course had no street value to get dope. But they had emotional value to my grandmother. My cousin had to have known that - which is probably why he took them and didn't think they had no street value.

I really feared my parents would be next. But fortunately, he was busted, arrested, convicted, and jailed before he could get to them. He served a good bit of time and cleaned up. His story over the last 20 years has been a pretty good one. He has stayed clean, married, had a child, built his own house, and kept a good job. In that respect, we're grateful.

But man oh man, he tainted a lot of lives and ruined a lot of relationships before turning the corner. I hope Ingram's grandson can get straightened out.

Schaefer: It's not just for racing anymore.
Leon Phillips
14 years ago
626 posts
Man that is a bad deal i hope everthing gets worked out that is a realy realy bad deal
Mike Sykes
14 years ago
308 posts
Jack and Aline are two of the greatest people you could ever want to know. This is what our younger generation is getting into with the drugs and such. The only thing Jack ever stole was a few victories when his competitors wasn't paying attention to what they were doing or they looked in their rear view mirror and saw him a coming and got scared and got behind on their steering.Our thoughts and prayers are with Jack and Aline in this time of sadness.