Jeff & Dustin - We all need HELP! Liked the old "black" background better than the new "gray"

Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,138 posts

Just a personal preference, but I prefer the old black background to the lighter gray. The colors like aqua, red, yellow, etc. fade into the gray. Can't read any of the aqua posts.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"

updated by @dave-fulton: 03/14/17 02:12:00AM
Dennis Andrews
14 years ago
835 posts
Thought I had screwed something up on my end, glad it was not just me, cause I have trouble reading the colors as well.
Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,138 posts
Yes... please give back the black

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts
OK, I'm attempting to find the combination we had before. I get emails regularly of folks complaining about the black site...including sponsors. but black is my favorite. So black it is.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Tim Leeming
14 years ago
3,119 posts
I would like a purple background close to the color of Marty Robbins' Dodge Charger with Yellow lettering like Marty's Dodge had. But what the heck, I'm color blind anyway so black and white works for me.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,138 posts
Figured Electric Blue might be your color!

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,138 posts
I was referring to Tim's possible fav color... you know.. that one they used to paint on the #43?

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,138 posts
Jeff, thak you. Much better. That pink elephant color PKL has been using was making me kinda queasy!

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,138 posts
Trust me, for years it was called electric blue.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,138 posts
Bought ice cream at the store today for the first time in 2 months. Your fault for talking about it during the rodeo Tuesday night!

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,138 posts
The late racer, Sonny Hutchins owned a place in Richmond named "The Black Cat Club."

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Tim Leeming
14 years ago
3,119 posts

Ok, Pkl, you are essentially correct, as are you Dave. My actual diagnosis is that I am "red-green color deficient" which was explained to me as being able to see and distinguish all colors and all shades of colors except for RED and GREEN. Red and Green to me are seen as red and green no matter what the shade. There is no difference in light red, dark red, or maroon. All green is just that, green, whatever shade the green flag is.

Yep, I absolutely knew what Petty Blue is/was. Remember the Petty Blue Boots Richard wore when he won the Daytona 500 in 1964? He told me they had used some shoe dye to do them. Of course, it wasn't two days later my "Petty Boots" were "Petty Blue Boots". I learned that wearing Petty Blue Boots to win the Daytona 500 was pretty cool, but wearing Petty Blue Boots as a senior at my high school was earth shaking back in 1964. That may be a subject to expand in an upcoming Legendtorial. lol Enjoy your Friday everyone!!!

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,138 posts
LOL, ANY kind of boots at my preppie Weejun loafers, Gant shirts, Adler wool socks, khaki pantsRichmond high school in 1964 would have been earth shaking! Then, in 1966 I had to wear coat & tie, along with wingtip shoes to class every day at University of Va. On my UVA bookcase, I had a model of Richard's '64 Plymouth, though.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"