I'm done

Jim Wilmore
14 years ago
488 posts

I've been inviting people to go to the track with me for years and it seems they always find an excuse to back out. Is it they just don't care to watch racing or, is it they can't be honest that they just really don't want to go but don't have the nads to tell me ? What I'm thinking is they do like racing but are too lazy to go or, don't want to stay up too late or, have no ambition or, they think they know everything there is to know about racing. Maybe that hate my guts but won't tell me?

What the real question is, what the heck do people do with their Saturday nights? I know they aren't out clubbin`they're all married, I just don't get it, have we gotten so boring that the only thing that excites us anymore is Jeff Dunham releasing his new ventriloquist comedy?

What are your thoughts?

updated by @jim-wilmore: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Tim Leeming
14 years ago
3,119 posts
It is discouraging Jim. But many times I've been the one to say I'm going and then something happens or things fall apart and I don't make it. But I try. Ann tries to go as often as she can as well. But don't stop asking. Over the many, many years I have done that many a person became a race fan along the way. Had a Facebook post from an old high school class mate of mine a couple weeks ago when I posted something about the Tuesday night show and her comment was "glad I'm still in it".

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Christopher Krul
14 years ago
119 posts

With all the fascination with video games you would think with racing games it would perhaps generate interest in motorsports. But it's not. Sadly people are not going out to local races. As I have said before, I blame the increasing popularity of the home theatre. People rather be at home I guess. Not to mention when you got other sports that are popular that are competing on the same night. Right now with college football and the NFL, there lies your competition. NASCAR is struggling to compete with that too. This and combined with a lagging economy, its not good.

Jim Wilmore
14 years ago
488 posts
What I found is most want to go but are unwilling to travel, if it were in their backyard they'd go but don't ask them to climb the fence. A good friend goes to Fayetteville Motor Speedway almost weekly but, when I asked him to drive 1/2 hour more to Dublin Speedway that meant he would get home 1/2 hour later. Too bad, so sad, I don't have time for whiners, pigskins, or NASCAR, my loyalty lies with my local tracks and drivers. As for football, if you take away the fancy helmets and spandex pants all you have is some over grown jock throwing a leather ball and another doofuss running around carrying the ball, it's really juvenile in the end.
Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts
Laziness, Jim! Absolute, pure, laziness.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Jim Wilmore
14 years ago
488 posts
Alas, finally someone stepped up and said they want to go to the track and seemed to genuinely mean it, too bad the season is over but it will give me all winter to get their anticipation up for next season. I'm not holding my breath all winter though.