Historic Columbia Speedway

John Brewer
16 years ago
2 posts
I'm looking for those that are in the know about up coming events and future plans for the Historic Columbia Speedway!! I'm a retired roadie that traveled with several top 10 Country Music acts, and I own and live in the woods directly across the street from the Historic Columbia Speedway. Every time I check the web site www.columbiaspeedway.com there is nothing there, it just sends me to this site! If I can find some sorces for information I would like to start a new site http://www.historiccolumbiaspeedway.com/ to keep everyone updated on the future plans and up coming events for the Historic Columbia Speedway.realityrecords@att.net
updated by @john-brewer: 12/05/16 04:08:38PM
Jeff Gilder
16 years ago
1,784 posts
John,We have entered into a long-term agreement with the ownership of Columbia Speedway to create an events facility there to serve the Cayce and surrounding communities. ColumbiaSpeedway.com is our domain and will be the "official" site for information regarding Historic Columbia Speedway. That site is scheduled to be constructed early next year.Historic Columbia Speedway will be brought back to "race-like" condition through sponsorships, grants, and donations. Improvements will include a 40 acre walk-of-fame park behind the speedway...and hopefully a museum. If you would like to be involved in some way, we are always looking for assistance....and money.Jeff Gilder

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Leon Phillips
16 years ago
626 posts
Check with Tim Leeming at Teem S C Medlands
John Brewer
16 years ago
2 posts
Thanks for the info Jeff, I would love to assist in any way that I can!! Money seems to be a little tight these days so my time is all I can give you, lol. I have an old ford 3000 deisel tractor that can be used and I'm just across the street from the speedway. Let me know if I should remove my site www.historiccolumbiaspeedway.com I do not want to cause any problems for anyone!Thanks again, Ed Brewer
Jeff Gilder
16 years ago
1,784 posts
John,We would love to have you join in our efforts. We established a local RacersReunion chapter there to help coordinate our efforts. That chapter is called Team South Carolina Midlands (TSCM). Tim Leeming is head of it. They meet monthly and we have an event coordination team that meets twice a month beginning in Jan to focus on all the aspects of the April Love Chevrolet Columbia Speedway RacersReunion. I'm sure the tractor will come in handy.We have also formed the Columbia Speedway Marketing Group that consists of John Banks, Bobby Sellers, and myself that is focussed on recruiting other events to the speedway....as well as improvements. We've already spent well over $100,000.00 dollars and have had folks volunteer equipment and time that equals that much more.This is a very important project and has a very passionate group dedicated to making it happen.We would love to be able to point the HistoricColumbiaSpeedway.com domain to our site once we have it developed. Funds for that development will be available after the Jan 1.Thanks very much for your interest. I look forward to meeting you.Jeff John Brewer said:
Thanks for the info Jeff, I would love to assist in any way that I can!! Money seems to be a little tight these days so my time is all I can give you, lol. I have an old ford 3000 deisel tractor that can be used and I'm just across the street from the speedway. Let me know if I should remove my site www.historiccolumbiaspeedway.com
I do not want to cause any problems for anyone!
Thanks again, Ed Brewer

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®