There's many an old time racing manWho stays away from the track.For it hurts to watch the sport he loves,And he feels the urge to go back.He isn't afraid to drive againAs he did in years gone by,Though he thinks of his friends and their injuries,And of those that he's seen die.It hurts to give up the racing life,It hurts to make the break.And it hurts to watch the youngsters drive,For you notice each mistake.And you yearn to take the wheel againTo show how it should be done-And ghosts from the past will beckon you,And bid you, "Come back and run."It hurts to quit for the call of the pitIs always deep inside,And you would give the life you liveTo take one final ride.And final ride though it may beYou'd gladly take the riskFor the thrill of the wind-pressed gogglesAnd the feel of the wheel in your fist.and the feel of the wheel in your fingersor the feel of the wheel at the rock againwould surely be a winor maybe a run once moreat the track with the lady in blackbut the greatest thrill of all i thinkwould be Columbia back to dirtor just maybe MGR--yes that would work
updated by @johnny-mallonee: 12/05/16 04:08:38PM