Johnny Mallonee
16 years ago
3,259 posts
This is a picture I thought I never would see,Senoa speedway dirt again--thank you Brandon Reed for posting this and I couldnt help myself -- i just had to show it to yall

updated by @johnny-mallonee: 12/05/16 04:09:31PM
Jeff Gilder
16 years ago
1,784 posts
Wow!!! that IS a thing of beauty!

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Bobby Williamson
16 years ago
907 posts
Yup, she'a a beaut! Rumors indicate a new dirt track will be under construction soon in Chocran, GA. Dirt's for racin'!
Frank Hager
15 years ago
32 posts
Did they remove the pavement or put a dirt cover on the asphalt?
Johnny Mallonee
15 years ago
3,259 posts
it is said they took up pavement and laid 2 ft of red clay w/cayola mix to hold moisture and keep it tacky all nite with no dust whats so ever another track that used to be this way was old taccoa track, it would pull your shoes off when walking across it had to carry my wife across it before because it was litterly holding her shoes in place after feature Frank Hager said:
Did they remove the pavement or put a dirt cover on the asphalt?
Bill Powell
15 years ago
2 posts
I've seen great racing at Senoia-both dirt and Asphalt. When it used to be dirt Leon Archer was hard to beat. When it was Asphalt Ronnie Sanders was the man. Great little race track.
Bill Powell
15 years ago
2 posts
The Senoia website has pictures of them dumping loads of dirt on top of the asphalt.
Johnny Mallonee
15 years ago
3,259 posts
I perfer the dirt side of it more fun to race on it more forgiving if you slipped on the pavement there you went back fast --- i know --i tried it Bill Powell said:
I've seen great racing at Senoia-both dirt and Asphalt. When it used to be dirt Leon Archer was hard to beat. When it was Asphalt Ronnie Sanders was the man. Great little race track.
Johnny Mallonee
15 years ago
3,259 posts
maybe we could arrange for the dirt cars to wash off in your "spot" you need your donations. I understand Ronda brought 4 yards back with her from her dirt outing last weekend . Robbie Solesbee said:
I wish I could afford two feet of red clay and cayola. I'm taking donations.
johnny mallonee said:
it is said they took up pavement and laid 2 ft of red clay w/cayola mix to hold moisture and keep it tacky all nite with no dust whats so ever another track that used to be this way was old taccoa track, it would pull your shoes off when walking across it had to carry my wife across it before because it was litterly holding her shoes in place after feature

Frank Hager said:
Did they remove the pavement or put a dirt cover on the asphalt?
Johnny Mallonee
15 years ago
3,259 posts
photos on track website show them hauling in the dirt on top of pavement but I read another place where they took up the pavement johnny mallonee said:
maybe we could arrange for the dirt cars to wash off in your "spot" you need your donations. I understand Ronda brought 4 yards back with her from her dirt outing last weekend .

Robbie Solesbee said:
I wish I could afford two feet of red clay and cayola. I'm taking donations.
johnny mallonee said:
it is said they took up pavement and laid 2 ft of red clay w/cayola mix to hold moisture and keep it tacky all nite with no dust whats so ever another track that used to be this way was old taccoa track, it would pull your shoes off when walking across it had to carry my wife across it before because it was litterly holding her shoes in place after feature

Frank Hager said:
Did they remove the pavement or put a dirt cover on the asphalt?