Now, that my "Thank You's" are Done...Let me tell you how I really feel...

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
12 years ago
559 posts

I was going home...for HomeComing. What in the WORLD has happened to my Hometrack?? I probably am not the one who can explain all this, in fact I know I am not! I know Bobby Williamson has my back on this one. But, I was so heartbroken to find Fayetteville MotorSpeedway is such disarray!

I can talk about it....because it is part of my Heritage. I may never be welcome there again, but I am surely eating some Crow right now.

Eddy Pollard and Larry Long, did an excellent job of making this Event happen for us. But, they can only do so much...with the length of leash they are given.

Thank you again, Larry Long for coming back to help with this Event! And Eddy Pollard, you my dear man are a better man, than I am a woman.

To see this fine track in suchdishevelment is nothing short of SHAMEFUL! I don't know the answers, but I sure have the questions!

I apologize for my demeanor, but this was a night to honor Past Drivers, and Drivers who had Passed. That included MY Daddy, Joel Thomas' Daddy, and Rick Smith's Daddy!

The ball has been dropped at FMS! I don't care how much feuding and fighting the two local tracks do, BUT I do care about the Fans, and the Drivers. There needs to be a "Come to Jesus Meeting" held!

My son actually asked if we were still allowed to park by the fence in the infield, because there was no one there. Time was when you had to park there for lack of anywhere else.

We are talking about a fine facility here...that if something isn't done, The Bopper will be doing a "Ghost Track Story" on before long. That is a pure Shame, a pure shame!!

There were a lot of "behind the scenes" things going on as well, that kind of put a damper and some bumps in the road for me, Eddy and Larry. BUT, the actual things that could have been taken care of, were not. My Daddy would have been appalled, as I was!

And, I know that the track was prepped as instructed....which was another ball they dropped. I found myself feeling obligated to apologize for the harm that was done to not only the Bell & Bell Cars, but the other divisions as well. The Powers That Be...should be ashamed!!

Am I upset over this??? Ya, think???? I was so proud to have everyone come to MY Hometrack! Well, guess won't happen again, until someone proves to me AND others that somebody has given up, whatever they are smokin in that Pipe! For Shame..For Shame..on literally raping that beautiful place, in every shape and form!

There I have said...Bobby, so don't worry about hurting my feelings! Tell it just like it is...

updated by @patsy-thompkins-keisler: 12/05/16 04:09:31PM
Jan Woodberry
12 years ago
171 posts

Patsy, Your frustration and disappointment is understandable. It is indeed a shame to see the deteriorationof such a fine facility especially when it is considered your "hometrack". I do hope there will be a meeting of the minds and things can turn around. I would love to visit the Fayetteville Motor Speedway sometime in the future. Good luck to all of you in your endeavors. ~Jan~

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
12 years ago
559 posts

Jan..thank you, so much for understanding. I REALLY don't like that side of me, at all. However, it's like I said, I felt like someone had harmed a family member. And, I WILL "Take One for the Team" and possibly lose a few followers along the way, if that is what it takes to help make a difference. Since, my post....and I am not saying that "I" made a difference...but there have been some changes going on there. One even being hiring a Tech Inspector.....SO let's hope and pray...that FMS lives a long, long life..~Patsy~