This is to every one involved in Racers Reunion and their friends

Johnny Mallonee
14 years ago
3,259 posts

This is a REQUEST to all involved in Racers Reunion and their friends. We have been given a last chance to keep the dirt side alive --so all of yall and your friends P L E A S E-- P L E A S E come over to the dirty side so to speak because we have been known to raise a little dust

WE need your help to stay alive--- SO HOW ABOUT IT--- ITS ONLY A CLICK AWAY ---you may just actually like it ---please!!!

updated by @johnny-mallonee: 12/03/16 05:53:12PM
Steve Struve
14 years ago
47 posts

I just signed up. Awaiting approval of my membership ! Looked around a bit and heck, half my friends form Racers Reunion are there too. Who knew ? A big bunch of my old photos are dirt, but I've just posted everything to Racers Reunion all along. If it stays alive, good. If it doesn't, please absorb the pohto record there into Racers Reunion. Many good cars and drivers shown there. Thanks.

Steve Struve