Spartanburg Downtown Racers Disply

13 years ago
167 posts

I was invited to attend a function held at theChapman Cultural Center in downtown Spartanburg yesterday and ahad a VERY good time. It was a display of race cars outside and drew attention to the permanent inside display honoring the racers in Spartanburg County.

A good friend of mine, Cotton Eubanks, had a complete original 1918 (?) race car on display. The cars original owner was from Spartanburg. Therer were two rooms of photos, drivers uniforms and trophy's, etc. upstairs in the Cultural Center.

Outside were several period race cars, midgets and coups, etc. similar to what Billy B. restores. There was also a contempory dragster and one of Bud Mooers cars that Geoff Bodine drove for him there.

I spent time with Bud and Greg Moore, Gene Fultonand others chasing and dancing among the memories as best we could recall. The most fun was spent with Joe Frasson. We spent the best part of an hour recollecting all the 'stuff' we went thru, the least funny of which was the big wreck in Talladega. Dave Marcus drove a full lap under the caution and some how managed to get off the track onto the grass where he backed into Joe's drivers door. Joe was injured quite badly in his left arm, receiving 88 stitches. There was a picture in the upstairs display with Joe laying on the ground, with his wide open left arm on his stomach, his head on the balnket that we used to cover the tires, and my leggs in the background. I could tell it was my legs from the way I taped my shoe strings to prevent them from getting tangled while changing tires.

I thanked Bud Moore for his service to our country and for the good job he did in providing the car for the Willy T. Ribbs fiasco that eventually ended up being the car that Dale got started in. He gave us the good heads and the correct gear for running Charlotte. They were both rare and expensive items, but he put them anyway.Good guy!

I also met Racers Reunion's own Ms. Rhonda Beck, a talanted writer and a very pleasant lady.

It sure brought back lots of memories. I spent a lot of time early in my career in Spartanburg, and I saw a lot of folks that I met during that time.

updated by @will-cronkrite: 08/25/18 06:42:14AM
bill mcpeek
13 years ago
820 posts

Will, Sounds like a wonderful time was had by all. Its always great to go visit a group that brings back a flood of memories like you had yesterday. I use to visit the Greenville-Spartanburg area at least twice a year during the 1960's and usually made sure there was a race scheduled during our visits. My wife was originally from Greenville,just off Augusta road and I got to see races at the Fairgrounds or Greenville- Pickens . Thanks for sharing your memories.

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,138 posts

Billy, now you got me salivating over the Beacon. Bud Moore's late wife, Betty took my family there for our first trip back in the 80s. What a place!

Will, it was interesting to hear about what Bud Moore furnished for the WillyT car. I had never heard that. But, I've always said, Bud was one of two men I ever met in racing who I didn't need a paper contract with and who always delivered more than promised.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
13 years ago
167 posts

Patty, It is my mis-fortune to not have, as yet ,made the acquaintance of those fellows, and may have been right next to one of them and not recognized them.

Mike Sykes
13 years ago
308 posts

Sounds like a great day. Wish I had been there.