Name these ShorTrack SuperStars

S.T.A.R.S. Radio
13 years ago
514 posts

Can anyone name all 6 drives in this photo? I know the one with his back to you may be hard.

updated by @stars-radio: 12/05/16 04:00:58PM
wendell grisham
13 years ago
2 posts

l to r mike eddy , bob senneker , butch miller , dick trickle , alan kulwicki , and mike miller driver of the dairyland transport olds 442 ............. i think ??????????????????

S.T.A.R.S. Radio
13 years ago
514 posts

Wendell, great job but you have have one wrong...the one with his back to us being interviewed. He is from a racing family of drivers from the ASA.

S.T.A.R.S. Radio
13 years ago
514 posts

PKL you have got it!

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
13 years ago
559 posts

How in the world did you know that, Mama?? All you can see is his back, and his hair...LOL

You do say...Mama knows all....

wendell grisham
13 years ago
2 posts

five out of six????????? close but no cigar. haha

Robert Turner
13 years ago
88 posts

Now, name the fellow with the mike!

S.T.A.R.S. Radio
13 years ago
514 posts

John Potts

Robert Turner
13 years ago
88 posts

John Potts, good man and a friend to racing. Lots of folks in racing that need to be remembered who never had their name on the door of a car but with out them the races couldn't have been held. John, I heard recently that our old friend Dan Spence is still at it at the Snowball Derby.

Jeff Gilder
13 years ago
1,784 posts

Such a great point to make Robert. You and the many other photographers who preserved memories for us are among those folks. Thank you!

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Robert Turner
13 years ago
88 posts

There are many who make each race happen. The flagman, race director, announcer, PR, pit steward, tech inspectors,pit inspectors, scorers, clean up crew, wreckers, concession folks and to me themost dangerousjob, the stop and go paddle on a short track pit road, standing there with cars flying by, tires spinning and drivers trying to beat each other back on the track.

I have been a race director and I can tell you how nerve racking it is to watch the whole track, pits, and try to keep everyone informed and call for the yellow if the flagman hasn't seen a spin and help him with restarts for 300 or more laps. I also announced some and it is hard to keep from getting focused on the race and forgetting to talk or get carried away as a friend once did and announced over the PA, "Look at that SOB go". Except he didn't say sob, he said the whole thing.

A thinks should go out to the Bob Harmons, Rex Robins, B.J. Parkers, Robert Smawleysand so many more of the promoters that kept our sport alive by sticking their necks (and their money) out to make it happen. Backed by folks like John and Dan as mentioned along with many contributions by Bill Desmond, "Stormy" Weathers, Fuzzy Orange and many, many more racing was/is a great sport with many great memories.