Ervin Carpenter

Charles Craig
12 years ago
57 posts

Let's all keep Ervin Carpenter in our thoughts. He is going through some difficult times with heart problems. He will be going to Chapel Hill on Monday to consult a stint specialist. Dub Simpson and I visited with him on Sunday and he was telling us what lay ahead to repair the problems he was having with a couple of leaks in his stints.

Our buddy Ervin is one of the toughest racers to ever sit in a car. Read his biography on "Ghosts of Southern Dirt Tracks". I had the pleasure of writing it and have known him for 50 years! He is one of the pioneers of our sport. His record is unbelievable. He loves to talk about the "old days" and he and his son Paul are both members here at Racers Reunion. He racedwith ALL the big guns and beat a lot of them! Keep Ervin andBrenda in your prayers.

Thanks,Charlie Craig

updated by @charles-craig: 12/05/16 04:00:58PM
Jeff Gilder
12 years ago
1,784 posts

Thanks for posting Charlie. He will be in my prayers.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
ray lamm
12 years ago
214 posts

my payers are to ervin

Jackie Sims
12 years ago
6 posts

Thoughts and Prayers for Ervin. I watched him drive many a mile in race cars over the years.

Mark S. Carpenter
12 years ago
1 posts

Dad is back home in Rock Hill now and going through rehab. A lot of prayers were answered as he truely is the toughest race driver ever. Thank you to everyone for your thoughts.

A pioneer of recing he was for many many years...the best to ever sit behind the wheel of a reacecar and an icon in all aspects of racing.

I am his youngest son Mark Carpenter

Bobby Williamson
12 years ago
907 posts

Thoughts and prayers, thanks for posting.

Charles Craig
12 years ago
57 posts

Thanks Mark, Hopefully we'll see him in a day or two. Tell him we all asked about him.

david earnhardt
12 years ago
112 posts

best wishes !!!!!!! - speedy recovery !!!!!!!!

william ellis williams
11 years ago
19 posts

i knew hi pockets well. we had some fun times,a couple you wouldn't believe. he was hanging with me and Neil castles driving neils car once. lots of fun to be around. sorry to hear of his passing. this was back in 1960. he just passed last yr. sry I didn't get to see him in the later yrs.

Sandeep Banerjee
11 years ago
360 posts

Thoughts and prayers with u.

Tim Leeming
11 years ago
3,119 posts

Thoughts and prayers from here. I don't know Ervin personally but with his history, he is very important to our sport.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

william ellis williams
11 years ago
19 posts

glad to see your post, I first kew ervin in the late fiftys. as a teen I built my own car to run the local tracks like Robin Wood and others. I met ervin through friends I met racing, in the first of 1960, I lived with Neil Castles and went racing with him. ervin came around a lot I had acctually met ervin earlier and we became friends. he came by my house one day and I wanted to go see my girlfriend but didn't have any nice clothes to wear so ervin took off his shirt and pants and i put them on and took his new convertable and went to see my girl. boy was I trying to impress her all decked out and driving a new chevy convertable. ervin stayed at the house using the phone to connect with his friends. one night we decided to ride out to the river. had us a bottle of booze. we went down an old road off the beaten path and parked the car. I went down to the river bank and ran accross an old wooden boat. kinda boozed up, I paddeled the boat a little ways out. when I stuck the oar in the water, I found the water was only knee hi. I started yelling that I was sinking and soon here came ervin swimming out to save me. when he got to the boat, I was standing there laughing my butt off. his face was red enpugh to light up the night. we had other mutual friends who had cars and ervin was all ways there to drive. me neil and ervin went to a lot of races together. he drove Neils car at one race I remember. I had to join the Air Force and was gone for ten yrs. coming back yrs later, I caught up with him at Metrolina a couple of times. didn't have many chances after that to get up with him but I still talk to Neil some times and always ask about ervin. only recently learned of his passing, very sorry to hear that. he brought a lot of great memories to a lot of people.