Best Lunch ever!

S.T.A.R.S. Radio
12 years ago
514 posts

I went to runs some errands at lunch today and decided to stop at Wendys to pick up something for lunch. While in line I struck up a conversation with a young man probably in his Mid-20s. Our conversation turned to where did I work and eventually to me mentioning my military service. And then the following was my conversation with him.

Young Man: Oh you were in the Navythat is cool I always wanted to join the military.

Me: Well you are young enough to still join

Young Man: That would be do I do that.

Me: Well you need to decide on a branch of service by starting with visiting the recruiting stations of all the branches and see which you will fit the best in.

Young Man: Which would you recommend?

Me: Of course I am partial to the Navy.

Young Man: How long were you in the Navy?

Me: Over 20 years

Young Man: What did you make while in the Navy?

Me: I MADE going to war and serving my country an honor so that you have the privilege to live in the land of the free and the home the brave. I MADE a place for you and your family to live without the fear of being attacked by terrorist. I MADE living away from my family my job so you could work your job and be at home with your family every night. I MADE going to war a duty so you have FREEDOM. I MADE getting up at 3 AM repeatedly to risk my life so you have a life risk free. I MADE daily sacrifices to make your life better. So I guess it best put by saying I MADE a difference!....Now what did you say you made?

Young Man: It doesnt matter I what I makeThank you!

Now at this point an elderly gentleman sitting quietly at a table beside us stood up and reached out and gives me a hug and said THANK YOU and I too wished I had joined the military so I could say the things you just said. And then his buddy at the table stood and said Private First Class Garris US Army. I only served 4 years but other than getting married and being there when my 2 children were born those 4 years were my proudest. I thank you for the Difference you DID make!

I must say I was very touched by this to the point of my chest was stuck out with pride. But all at once I realized I was being selfish because I should be sad for those who gave the ULTIMATE sacrifice, and then my pride turned to sorrow for our fallen military and to those still serving today.

At this point all could muster up was a simple Thank you to these 3 gentlemen as I left. On my ride back to work I took the time to evaluate my conversation and felt I owed it to those who gave their lives to share this with everyone. So if you know someone who has served no matter when tell them Thank You because I can personally tell you it does make a difference.

updated by @stars-radio: 12/05/16 04:00:58PM
Dave Fulton
12 years ago
9,137 posts

Thank you for sharing.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
bill mcpeek
12 years ago
820 posts

Thank you for your service and an excellent story.

Tim Leeming
12 years ago
3,119 posts

Jerry, that is, indeed, a beautiful story. It would be an honor for me to meet any of those gentlemen you talked with. I already know what a fine Patriot you are. Guess we Navy guys stick together pretty well!

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Jan Woodberry
12 years ago
171 posts

Thanks for your service to our country and for sharing this awesome story.