Mothers Day is coming May 9th--but also it is--------------

Johnny Mallonee
15 years ago
3,259 posts
A special day for Racers Reunion. This weekend was set aside by a gracious gentleman and racer to remember not only everyones mother who deserves all the glory they get but also a weekend to say thank you to all the past racers. these reunions were held in Johnson City or Gray or Jonesboro.
Although the original reunion seems to have fell on low turn out we should all take a minute or two this weekend to congratulate " P A U L L E W I S " for his initial tribute to Racers but also what he instilled into Jeff Gilder to continue the pursuit of "Racers Reunion" and to made it into what we have today.
I think it would be fitting if everyone would at least acknowledge them this weekend for their endeavors.
updated by @johnny-mallonee: 12/05/16 04:00:58PM
Leon Phillips
15 years ago
626 posts
I will gladly say it Thank You Jeff Gilder and Paul Lewis Thank you very much
Jim Wilmore
15 years ago
488 posts
Though Jeff is not a mother the website he created (with the inspiration by Paul Lewis) is the Mother-of-all-vintage-racing sites and for that I'll say "Happy Mother's Day" to RacersReunion.comother!