The Hills Were Alive With The Sound of .....

Tim Leeming
15 years ago
3,119 posts

Music? Yep, we had that. Matt Dylan and the Midnight Steel Band. Awesome entertainers and really great guys as well. I finally got to meet Matt and he is as genuine as he comes across in his videos and interviews. I am impressed with his music, but I'm more impressed with the man.

Race Cars? Yep, that too. The flat head Ford group (many of the cars from the movie) and the Vintage Car group. Not to mention the Buck Baker Driving School giving rides around the track (hitting the rev-limiter on every lap it seemed). And, I owe a special thanks to Susan (believe the last name is Kimmel) in the 1965 Mercury Comet number 67. I was watching the cars circle the track and suddenly I hear what sounds like one under full throttle as I look up to turn four and here she comes! Flat out! By that time of the day I was sitting on the front row of the grandstands down towards turn one from the flag stand. Man, it felt good when that wind from the car (and the particles of asphalt) hit my face. Thanks Susan!!!

Race talk??? Yep, a lot of that. But, if you know me, that's not surprising. I spent from 11:30 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. talking to as many people as I could, telling them about Racers Reunion and asking them to join and share in this site. I note one has already done so. I spent more than a few minutes talking with two guys, 18 and 19, from nearby, Tyler and Cory, both of whom represent the best of American youth. They are supposed to join as well, but so far, I don't see them on. Gene Hobby, Billy Biscoe, Mike Sykes and Daniel Sykes were all very talkative yesterday and most enjoyable. I am learning so much from Billy Biscoe. I always enjoy and appreciate the time I can share with him.

Where did all this happen? The Historic North Wilkesboro Speedway, that's where. Many thanks to Todd Morris for arranging VIP status for me for the day and to Jeff Gilder for allowing me to represent Racers Reunion there. It was indeed a memorable (and very hot) day.

When I turned off northbound I-77 yesterday onto northbound highway 421, it was just after the first hill and first curve that I could see the Brushy mountains. Knowing the history of that area and the stories of moonshine stills, runners, and revenuers, my imagination was going wild. When I entered the track I was somewhat shocked as to how much smaller it appeared than I remember from my trips up there in the 70s. There are trees growing through the Junior Johnson Grandstands on the backstraight, and there is fading and peeling paint in a lot of places, but it was BEAUTIFUL!! There is a part of NASCAR history which was a shining jewel until its closing in the late nineties, victim of dollars and no sense.

As I worked by way through the garage area, infield and the pits (several times) I would catch a shadow out of the corner of my eye which appeared as the Bobby Allison Coke Machine, or the Petty blue Plymouth, or the number 11 Budweiser T-bird of Bill Elliott. All but the T-Bird were just my imagination wishing, you know? But what wonderful memories

came back to me as I spent the day there.

Where, you may wonder, is this magical wonderland that has the capability of transporting one back in time? North Wilkesboro, North Carolina. If you've been a race fan for a long time, you will remember the duels there throughout from the late 40s til the later 90s. Although I probably only attended 6 or 8 races there, the radio and television coverage always seemed a little more "real" when the races came from Wilkesboro. I guess part of that is, as I was reminded yesterday, most of the people from around there are REAL. Absolutely fabulous.

Yes, Junior Johnson did appear and was very jovial and accommodating. It was, I'm sure, a good feeling to see his "home" track once more humming with activity. And, Rex White. What can you say about this guy Rex White? Every event I have been too in my two years of being a member here, Rex was there. He is always in the best of spirits and seems to me to be just as energetic as he was when he won the 1960 what was then the Grand National Championship (now The Cup Series). What a wonderful ambassador for the sport! Everytime I shake his hand I feel honored to be in his presence.

So, as the sun sank below the Brushy Mountains, I left early to head back to Columbia. For the first 100 miles, I was silent inside the van as my mind ran through years of memories not only of North Wilkesboro but also of all the tracks that played a part in making the sport of stock car racing such an attractive sponsor/tv package. Without North Wilkesboro, Columbia, Middle Georgia, and many others, there would be no Daytona, no California, no Texas, no Kansas. Without North Wilkesboro, there would be no Kyle Busch, Jimmie Johnson, Jeff Gordon (ok they would probably exist but you wouldn't know about them).

What a wonderful world this Racers Reunion is! What a wonderful adventure I have every time I'm able to be a part of any gathering of the true Legends of the sport. What a wonderful opportunity I have to spread the word that there IS a history prior to 1980 and we need to remember that history, honor that history and the men and women who made it so. Tyler and Cory, the burden is on you guys, and the other young folks I talked with yesterday. Never forget that there was, once upon a time, red dirt rising all across the southeastern U.S. From that fertile red dirt came our heroes. God bless them all!!!!


What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

updated by @tim-leeming: 12/05/16 04:00:58PM
Mike Sykes
15 years ago
308 posts
Tim it was great to have you there representing Racers Reunion and Jeff could not have had a better man on the job. It was hot both on the track and off. Tim lost the 15 pounds that he was wanting to lose and I found them.The one thing I am glad I did not do was to offer you the ride in the 17 car. It did cross my mind. And that was one of the first things that came to mind as I went to the garage area with a broken driveshaft on the last lap of the vintage cars run.
Leon Phillips
15 years ago
626 posts
Hay Tim sounds like ya`ll had a good time wish i could have been there i was hanging out over in Rockingham NC with the real Jimmy Johnson and Andy Hillenburg man it was some good USAR raceing no vintage race cars but maybe in October they can make it hope to see you in Sandyrun Sat