Racers Reunion

Johnny Mallonee
15 years ago
3,259 posts
Have you thought about what you were doing two years ago before you found this site? How about last year even,was you wandering around on your own or were you surfing on U-tube for that junkie rush to get you through the night.Most people say they didnt know such a wonderful place existed until you almost have to rub their nose in it. Most say wow,some say "duh" and some act kinda taken back by what all it offers.I mean its not like a cult or a club that is enforced by its inner core.Think about what is here to offer; there is drag racing on Monday and Wednesday,just like in the hey day-- next you have the tues nite titans telling everyone whats been going on back in the day,and today and for tomorrow. then there is Thurs nite, almost kinda like the Old Diana Shore Show followed by playhouse 90,remember those??.But last but surely not least there is a full hour on thurs of Free Pennington telling the word in a different format of how racing was and now how it is today and most importantly how it will be in the future with the Lord in racing ( but only if you accept him) because without him there is a void.Im not preaching just how I look at our family thats growing daily. You can access the shows from anywhere in the world, really just ask the troops in Afghanistan or the folks in South America or just about anywhere you can get a signal on a cell phone.To me we have it all here and the good part of it is---------------------- I T S F R E E ----yup doesnt cost you a penny extra to get the a la carte deal or if you feel stingy go cheap then move up after your guilt goes away.Only two things I know of here that are taboo are that foul talk or otherwise know as cussing and politics..Looking at cars is totally allowed,babies are adored but not required.But best of all its open 24 hours a day and some if not the best D/J music you can find and Dustin has it all worked out with little or no commercials,unless its when one of the shows are on,then it pays the bills.TV? its here also,there are more videos on here than u tube has concerning racing i think.So shop around and find me another site that offers you more,go ahead and look then come and log back on and say"m backI" because nothing exists.Ok its almost show time so dim the lights so you can see sam good and enjoy the show,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
updated by @johnny-mallonee: 12/05/16 04:00:58PM
Tim Leeming
15 years ago
3,119 posts
Applause for you Mr. Mallonee! Great description of what we have going on here. Love it so!!!!

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Johnny Mallonee
15 years ago
3,259 posts
and if we arent careful next thing you know Dustin will throw in video feed for good measure now wouldnt that be o so kool
Tommie  Clinard
15 years ago
209 posts
Johnny. You hit the nail square on the head with this blog. There is no better site on the whole internet than Racer's Reunion. What a "SHOW." Thank you JEFF GILDER.
Russell Rector
15 years ago
80 posts
I've only been a member of RR for a little while,but I wished I had found it earlier. For so many years I thought I was the only person who missed the old days of racing.The great drivers,the fantastic race cars,the sights and smells of the long lost speedways and lets not forget some very funny and entertaining annoucers.For at least the past 20 years I thought I was the only one who missed those days.To finally find a place where others feel as me,it feels like I'm in a pilgram reaching the promised land!
Pete Banchoff
15 years ago
279 posts
Johnny, since about the mid 90's I got so fed up with Nascar that I started searching for old Nascar pictures and at the same time anything from our local short tracks from the 60's and 70's. During a search I came across RR and started looking through Ray's pictures and signed on immediately. Thought I died and went to heaven!! It started out chatting with Robbie, but grew to many more who are now friends. Along with the Nascar history that I crave so much, Jeff has let us remember some of our local drivers through fan pages. Now I have everything on one site!! It doesn't get better than that.Pete, grateful in Michigan.