I don't want to "race" through history anymore

Tim Leeming
15 years ago
3,119 posts

That's right, I don't want to race through history anymore. Let me explain.

This morning is a lazy morning for me. Yardwork done, Ann and I have done the housework, clothes are folded and put away (thanks to Ann) dishes are in the dishwasher, and I have fed that less thanintelligent cat for the morning. I have written all the things I was supposed to write for Becky, welcomed all the new members, stirred up trouble on Facebook, made a few calls, and just generally completed everything needed by 9:00.

Then I started to review all the videos of the old races here on Racer Reunion. You see, my good friend and racing buddy Ronnie Sharpe passed away two weeks ago after a long and fierce battle with cancer and he had given me all of his VHS and dvd collection he had been buying of the old races from the 50s and the 60s so I had been watching them already. So, today, I'm into the old ones on here, the old home movie of the convertible race from Martinsville in 1957, the 1960 Wilkesboro race, the 1956 Southern 500. I watched the videos from Middle George Raceway as Bob Moore told the story of an almost fatal accident there, Ed Sanseverino and the Occonneechee story along with another Occonneechee video. It was half way through the 1956 Southern 500 when I realized I didn't want to RACE through history anymore. I wanted to slow down and savor it! Savor every lap, every word that was being said by the overly excited announcer for that video. To watch two or three times the short video on the history of Occonneechee. To really enjoy, study in detail, and absorb those memories of what our sport was in the days of its infancy.

If you go to the videos and watch the 1956 Southern 500, please take special note of the cars. That's right, STOCK cars, or at least they looked like it even to the steering wheels.

Then, notice the drivers. Real men, real personalities. Buck Baker with his sleeves rolled up. Then look at the Occonneechee video and absorb the cars on dirt. What a treat. Note Cotton Owens walking by his tow truck in a hurry to get somewhere.

Pure and simple, I love this history lessons Racers Reunion provides to me. I love the memories. And so many great people hang out here. There was a song out once "Lost in the 50s Tonight". Well, I have certainly been lost in the 50s and 60s this morning. I guess now it's time for me to float back to reality all the while hoping that at some point today I'll see a '57 Chevy cruising down the highway.


What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

updated by @tim-leeming: 03/07/19 08:12:37PM
Billy & Barbara Scott
15 years ago
52 posts
glitter-graphics.com Tim,closest we could get to passing by!! Really enjoyed your slowing down to smell the racing fuel.God bless and our love to you and Ann,Billy and Barbara
15 years ago
622 posts

Pure and simple, Tim. Thanks for sharing.
kimberly casella
15 years ago
8 posts
Tim, my condolances to you and your family. But how nice that had to be passing thru the past and loosing the sorrows of today if just for a little while. We should all be so fortunate.God Bless,KIM