March 6, 1977: Insolo Wins Ontario

TMC Chase
10 years ago
4,073 posts

Jimmy Insolo had quite a racing career - primarily as a west coast racer. He sprinkled in almost 3 dozen GN/Cup starts when the series traveled west to Riverside and Ontario. And he had almost 200 starts in NASCAR's western late model series that became known as the Winston West Series and later the K&N West Series.

In 1976, he narrowly nipped Newport, TN's L.D. Ottinger for a late model sportsman win at Ontario. In 1977, Insolo returned to Ontario - but this time it was for a USAC stock car race. The race was the first of a double-header with USAC's Indy / Champ cars running as the headliner event.

The stock car opener had some true ringers in it - drivers such as Super Tex A.J. Foyt and Uncle Bobby Unser. For Insolo, it was his first time to race in the series though he obviously had raced at Ontario before.

Read on for more about how the race unfolded.

Schaefer: It's not just for racing anymore.

updated by @tmc-chase: 03/05/17 08:30:12PM
bill mcpeek
10 years ago
820 posts

Chase, great report. I had the good fortune to see a race there that year but it was the Times 500 in Nov. while on a Training sales trip to California. Wish I could have seen Jimmy Insolo race...

Dave Fulton
10 years ago
9,137 posts

Nice piece. Saw several drivers who I'd later meet at Winston West events. Interesting to see that the top finishing Plymouth was driven by Dick Hutcherson's baby brother, Ron.

Referencing the 1976 event, I had the good fortune to do the PR work for LD Ottinger's sponsor, Detroit Gasket (Indian Head Industries/MGM Brakes) in the late 80s, very late in L.D.'s career. He's a really nice guy.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
10 years ago
9,137 posts

Link to the Jimmy Insolo Fan Club here at RR:

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
10 years ago
9,137 posts

Joe Ruttman credits Jimmy Insolo with giving him his big break in NASCAR via Jim Stacy:

In the very early 80s, NASCAR was coming to Ontario Motor Speedway, which is where I lived. Jim Stacy was a car owner and his driver, Jimmy Insolo, got hurt, so Jimmy told Stacy that there was a guy out there named Joe Ruttman who could drive the car at Ontario. After Stacy exhausted all his areas down south, and as the race got closer, I became his last resort. I couldnt say yes fast enough. What time do you want me there? Hes (Stacy) the guy who gave me the chance to break into NASCAR for good.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"