Johnny Mallonee
14 years ago
3,259 posts

Dale Jr got throwed out of the Daytona International Speedway.

10 years ago on a warm dark night, Dale Jr headed out to make things right. In a Chevy Suburban with the headlights bright. Junior would show NASCAR Nation the light. (With apologies to Johnny Cash.)

In July 2001 Dale Earnhardt Jr and a few of his friends headed out to Daytona from his home in Mooresville. It was his first trip there since that fateful day in February when Dale was lost.

Junior and his pals made their way off International Speedway Boulevard that night and drove the Suburban through the tunnel into the Daytona International Speedway infield as the moon lighted turn four. That had to be the hardest drive Dale Jr has ever made.

But he knew it was a journey he had to take.

Earnhardt told the guys in the truck that he just wanted to show them around to see how big, bad and formidable the place really is. But everyone in that Suburban knew the real reason Junior needed to visit Daytona International Speedway once again.

Dale Jr snaked the Suburban around the Daytona infield road taking in the scene as one of the few people in the place at the time. What he really had on his mind was would he be able to race. Could he really compete on the track that had claimed his Father just a few months earlier?

Thats when he saw it.

The gate to the track was open. Earnhardt wheeled the Suburban onto the high banks and started making laps in the middle of the night until a speedway security guard flagged him down and threw him out of the joint never even thought about who he was-------------------------------------but boy he showed them all who he was race day------------Go JR--------------------------------------------------------memories

updated by @johnny-mallonee: 12/05/16 04:00:58PM
Johnny Mallonee
14 years ago
3,259 posts
the above came from my friend at Race-WIN
Richard Guido
14 years ago
238 posts
Tim Leeming
14 years ago
3,119 posts
Thanks Johnny. That was pretty awesome.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Tim Childers
14 years ago
1 posts
Sorry, but as this story sounds good, I'd really need to see or hear some real validation to believe it. Really, the guy didnt know who he was? Really, Dale Jr. didnt tell him? The gate was just mysteriously open, with no one attending it, and he just happened to drive in, only to get chased down and thrown out? Any details such as what day it was?Why didnt the security person at Daytona recognize arguably the most recognizeable and prominent face at Daytona in 2001? If it's true, then it's true. But it's very hard to buy. It's a feel good story for certain, but it seems to be missing a lot of key details that would lend it some crediability. Such as, why in the world wouldnt this have made much bigger news before now, like as in NASCAR.COM, or Circle Track Magazine, Stock Car Racing Magazine, USA Today, Charlotte Observer, etc? Sorry, but show me some proof, otherwise this just sounds like a made up fairy tale. Too much of that going around these days already.
Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts

Here is where reported it.

There are other news reports of it all over the web there were when it occurred. I remember hearing about it then as well. Sounds pretty real to me.

Remember, he was popular then...but no where near being "the most recognizable and prominent face at Daytona...yet" I think the security guard's job would be in jeopardy even today if he didn't do the same.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
14 years ago
622 posts
Yup, I'd say it is real too. Thanks for sharing...memories.
Johnny Mallonee
14 years ago
3,259 posts

If you dont believe that then I know you wont believe this either-------------------------------------------------

Earnhardt and his buddies spent the week lounging on the beach during the day and hitting the clubs at night. When the time for the race came, he was ready. He had a fast car. He had his crew of friends and family. And he had a climb-in, drive-fast, let's-win-this-thing zest that endeared him to legions of fans.

"I thought it was funny that I had a skull-and-crossbones sticker on the dashboard," Earnhardt said. "Budweiser got mad because it symbolizes poison, and it was sitting next to their logo. It was just a decal someone gave to me on pit road. I put it on there and took off before someone told me to take it off. Tony [Eury] Jr. [the team's car chief] came in halfway through the race and told me Budweiser wasn't happy with it. They wanted me to pull it off. I said, 'I can't reach it. It's way too far.' " -------- Thats out there too but its also true --------------------------- MEMORIES

Sorry, but as this story sounds good, I'd really need to see or hear some real validation to believe it. Really, the guy didnt know who he was? Really, Dale Jr. didnt tell him? The gate was just mysteriously open, with no one attending it, and he just happened to drive in, only to get chased down and thrown out? Any details such as what day it was?Why didnt the security person at Daytona recognize arguably the most recognizeable and prominent face at Daytona in 2001? If it's true, then it's true. But it's very hard to buy. It's a feel good story for certain, but it seems to be missing a lot of key details that would lend it some crediability. Such as, why in the world wouldnt this have made much bigger news before now, like as in NASCAR.COM, or Circle Track Magazine, Stock Car Racing Magazine, USA Today, Charlotte Observer, etc? Sorry, but show me some proof, otherwise this just sounds like a made up fairy tale. Too much of that going around these days already.
Mike Sykes
14 years ago
308 posts

Thanks for posting Johnny it's all good...

Harlow Reynolds
14 years ago
214 posts

Maybe he was trying to see if he could win if he was the only car on the track ????


Harlow Reynolds
