Which night works for you?

Jeff Gilder
16 years ago
1,784 posts
We are planning to move "Racin The Way It Was" from its current Thursday night slot to another night. This move will allow us to make both our live shows...STARS Radio and "Racin The Way It Was" 2 hours in length each. We feel that 4 hours back-to-back 7pm-11pm (est) is too long....and we have much more content we could add with longer shows. We have decide that Thursday's work best for STARS Radio...and will leave that show there to run from 7pm-9pm (est).We welcome your input.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®

updated by @jeff-gilder: 12/03/16 05:48:12PM
Johnny Mallonee
16 years ago
3,259 posts
monday HAS FOOTBALL,BASEBALL,BASKETB AND LOTS OF SPECIAL EVENTS i would consider tuesday as my pick
16 years ago
622 posts
Monday or Wednesday night sounds good to me. Monday would give you two days in between.
Leon Phillips
16 years ago
626 posts
Ya i would say Mon or Wen would work for me to i plan on geting a tape recorder in the past month or two i have been out of town overnight about 2 to 3 nights a week normaly i am home every night
Jeff Gilder
16 years ago
1,784 posts
Here is my 2 cents....I think we would have a problem on Monday because of football. I think Wdnesday might be an issue because of church. Tat leaves Tuesday and Friday. I think Friday would be a tough one, too. As you can see I'm leaning toward Tuesday...which means we would be going against Eli Gold....one of my heroes. sorry Eli...no offense.Big D is builing the site for the archives as we speak.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Leon Phillips
16 years ago
626 posts
Sounds good to me Jeff A K A Joe Fan
Johnny Mallonee
16 years ago
3,259 posts
good choice jeff its hard to please some of the people all of the time and impossible to please all the people all of the time so a box of tissues on the table will be a good usable commodity
Ronda McKnight
16 years ago
63 posts
Tue. would be better because Fri. nite is a race nite for a lot of tracks.
Cody Dinsmore
16 years ago
589 posts
Tues works for me!
16 years ago
622 posts
Any night is fine with me. I can work around anything, especially since I only keep tabs on college Football and stock car racing.