a sjghting of sorts

Johnny Mallonee
16 years ago
3,259 posts
I saw a report on Fox tv this morning on an unusual sighting at the mall in Columbia -- Bomb squad was called out to a rusting old car parked at the rear of the mall employees entrance. It was surrounded by armed police while the robot rolled over to open the trunk where there was a report of unusual activities at 10am this morningafter inspection of the trunk and other parts it was confirmed to be someones old rattletrap that must have been used on a farm because it had several bags of dry animal food in the trunk. Inside the front there was reported to be a helment on floor and what looked to be a rollbar in car,maybe from days past but also a faded number was detected on doors so the roll bars were indeed needed.But who was the driver? DEtectives went into the mall and set out on a search for whoever was parked in loading zone.After an hour or two of questioning a guy that was kinda short said he knew of a guy who owned a car like that and had saw him in dressing room this morning putting on a wig or something. Investigator was skeptical of this information because of the unusual attire this short guy had on he said who in their right mind would go around dressed like a elf.Another lady said she had seen the guy dressing also and said he sure looked like someone she had saw around downtown on several occasions. Didnt think he was a person who was a person who worked in capitol bldg but he sure nuff was always around there every day.Now the cops are worried because who could this mystery person be??A sweep of the mall again reveiled nothing but now the old car possibly a chrysler corporation from the 50's was gone from the rear of mall and another janitor had saw a older guy with boots on get in car and leave. when asked what he looked like the guy said he smiled and drove off ,said he had glasses on like sunglasses and hollered something. Police are asking if anyone has any clues as to who this guy is and whats he doing at the mall every day they said they will check back in with R>R> website ever so ofter to see iof any update on here to this guys idenity. I asked why here and said there are more good info on here than anywhere else. So if anyone has any idea as to who this guy may be please reply here on R R
updated by @johnny-mallonee: 12/03/16 05:48:29PM
Leon Phillips
16 years ago
626 posts
Hay Johnny i don`t want to name any one person But it sounds like the guy i talked with on the phone the outher night
Pete Banchoff
16 years ago
279 posts
I have no idea who you are talking about. ;-))
Jeff Gilder
16 years ago
1,784 posts
did he have a sharpee in his hand?

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