Tonight!!! January 19, 2010

Jeff Gilder
15 years ago
1,784 posts
Join Jeff, Big D, and The Legend for another "Racin The Way It Was" show filled with racing history. We'll have Cody Dinsmore's "This Month In Racing History", Coastal Jack's "Carolina Race Place Historical Finish", Bobby Williamson's Ghost Track, and Jim Seay's "Racing Through History" with Leonard Wood . The Legend's "Member Minute" tonight will feature Billy Biscoe's better half, Karen Biscoe.Our special guests tonight will be Little Bud Moore and Randy Myers , son of legendary driver, Billy Myers. We'll be discussing Madhouse and much, more tonight on RacersReunion(((RADIO))) at 7 PM ET.RacersReuinion (((RADIO))) can be access by clicking the Radio banner in the center of the main page, by clicking the RacersReunion Radio link in the upper left corner, or by logging onto .Join us on "Chat" on Stock Car RacersReunion by clicking the "Chat" link at the top of the page or by clicking the chat "up arrow" in the bottom right corner of any page.

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updated by @jeff-gilder: 12/03/16 05:48:48PM
15 years ago
622 posts
Hot digidy dog! Man oh man! I know where I'll be glued again tonight. I just love Little Bud Moore and the "member minute" will be special too. All the segments will be great I know but these are two very special guests, indeed. Way to go, Jeff, Legend, and producer D!
Leon Phillips
15 years ago
626 posts
Hay i`m home to night waiting on 7 o clock