General Prayers Needed

Ken Sharpe
17 years ago
88 posts
A posting spot for everyone's prayer request. I know that prayer works. If you have any prayer needs. Life, loved ones, work, anything. Please post here,If you do not want your needs to be made public, email me directly at will carry these needs to the Lord in prayer and seek His direction and responses to the prayer.If you do not know the Lord and would like to have that relationship with Him, please feel free to email me and we can help you to have the relationship.We are not the usual church, nor are we judgmental at all. We are old school race fans, who happen to be called to preach the Word and love the Lord.Pastor Ken SharpeFlowing River FellowshipLevel Cross, NC
updated by @ken-sharpe: 12/03/16 05:47:56PM
Ken Sharpe
17 years ago
88 posts
At 6:30am on August 30th, 2008, Ken Sharpe saidWe will be praying for the the Glover family at this time.We pray that the Lord will have His hand around that family at this time of suffering and hurting. We know that Gene is in the hands of the Lord now. While we are saddened by this, we must also know that Gene is at Home now and no more pain and suffering, in this earthly body. He is in the heavenly race now, with the greats that have gone before him in racing.He is with the Lord now. Knowing this and keeping this in mind, brings a smile and a time to be happy for he has gone home and is with our creator now.In Jesus name, Amen.At 3:18pm on August 29th, 2008, Haskell (Hack) McKee saidHey Pastor Ken: I talked to Mrs.Gene Glover today.She was very sad and depressed over her husbands death. Lets all remember her in our thoughts and prayers. In some way members, please try to let her know she's not foregoten.Crewcheif Tony Glover was Gene's son.
Ken Sharpe
17 years ago
88 posts
Folks,I ask that ya'll hold me up in prayer at this time. I found out yesterday that I have an enlarged heart and bad fluid retention. I have an urgent Doctor's appointment this coming Tuesday. Please pray that the Lord will have touched these illnesses by that time and the Doctor will not find anything wrong. We know the Lord is a healer and still in the healing business. (Heb 13:8). Jesus healed the sick, made the lame to walk, gave sight to the blind, and raised the dead. His miracles never stopped.I do not make a habit of asking for prayer, but instead offering prayer. Remember though that we are ALL GOD's children. Thanks ahead of time, my friends.Pastor Ken SharpeRacers Reunion Outreach (Chaplain)
Ken Sharpe
17 years ago
88 posts
You are so correct my friend. The devil can attack us, as taked about all through the Bible, but we know the who the victor is. Praise God!Pastor Ken
Ken Sharpe
17 years ago
88 posts
Permalink Reply by David W. Campbell 1 hour agoI'll keep you in my prayers, but my prayers for my wife at the same time since she's only 37 and has Hodgkin's Lymphoma cancer. GOD BLESS the both of you.Sincerely,DavidPermalink Reply by Ken Sharpe 48 seconds agoDavid,She is in our prayers and we will lift her up tonight at our service. We will keep her in our prayers. You must remember one thing. She can be healed, while all is and seems to be bleak right now. We have a God who is in the healing business. Jesus made the lame to walk, the blind to see, the deaf to hear, raised the dead, cleansed the lepers. He is our Saviour and Lord.Some do not think that God still heals, like the Bible speaks of in biblical days. Read Hebrews !3;8. It says that God is still the same yesterday, today and forever. If He is the same today that He was back in the days of healings and miracles that were perfomed by Jesus. (Read book of Acts, for starters). Do you not think that HE is still performing healings and miracles today? I know that He is and I have personally witnessed this many times several times on my loved ones and myself.Keep the faith, my friend.Pastor Ken
17 years ago
1 posts
Bless your heart, Ken - I too, know that prayer works -Thank you so much for being such a great brother in Christ.HUGS,Linda
Ken Sharpe
17 years ago
88 posts
Folks,This is not racing related, but then again it is as we are ALL Americans.Please take the time to say a prayer for those lives lost and victims and families of lost loved ones, of 9/11.It has been 7 years ago now and, while a few in our country seem to have forgotten what happened on that morning. I feel that I speak for the masses here in saying that, I have not forgotten, nor will I ever forget that day, 7 years ago.I remember exactly what I was doing and did the day that our freedom was attacked, by cowards on a mission to destroy us and our American beliefs, all in the name of Mohammed.This day changed me forever. My daughter lost family members on her mom's side. I had a good friend (almost like a sister) to lose her brother in law, the day the towers came down.I can remember spending that evening in a dark sanctuary of my old church, filled to the brim with fellow believers, in prayer as well as reading 2 Chron. 7:14.[14] IF MY PEOPLE, who are called by MY NAME, will HUMBLE themselves and PRAY and SEEK MY FACE and TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS, THEN WILL I HEAR from heaven and will FORGIVE their sin and will HEAL THEIR LAND.I am sitting here now trying to type this and keep this short, but the feelings are arising and I am wanting to go on and on about this. I had better stop now, while I can still see the monitor through the blurriness of the tears.Pastor Ken SharpeRacers Reunion Outreach (Chaplain)Flowing River Fellowship (Pastor)Level Cross, NC
Karen Ponder
17 years ago
1 posts
I'm scared all the time. My family has been teetering financialy for three years now. We are officially without health insurance for the first time with our kids. I have hopes that elections may help, but not quickly. I'm trying SO hard to supplement my husbands income with my online endeavors. and to hold the five of us together with a mothers love.God has blessed me with three beautiful children and a fantastic husband. I know we will prevail.Thank you for this source. This portal to friendship and support in the most unsuspected location. You are reaching many of us who have given up on church being about God, and are tired of it revolving around man. You truly represent Faith, Love and support. Thank you for this avenue-- to feel this feeling again... It's been a long time.KP
Ken Sharpe
17 years ago
88 posts
Karen,Thanks so much for your letter. We are praying for the family situation. Karen, God will take care of this, just have the faith and belief that he will. Pray and ask him to take care of the family issues and the family. He wants to hear you pray and ask, for when we ask, that shows our faith and belief.Pray for the revitalization of your and your familys relationship with God. We know at times that we think God does not care. Oh He cares and He is there, it is us to choose to walk away from God at times. But He is just to forgive and He will welcome you back into His arms.We have not; because we ask not, ask these things in prayer and belief that He will provide the insurance, the coverage, protection, guidance for you and the family.You are so right, in today's world people think that it is all about what the church can do for me. This is wrong; it is what we can do for God! We are His servants, we are here to serve and grow His kingdom. (Matt 28). We will be praying for you and your family Karen.Pastor Ken