can any one remember fireball

doug brown
17 years ago
3 posts
can any one remember fireball. my father worked at a local ford dealership in martinsville. the car used to come to the dealership after qualifying and the mechanics worked on them after the dealership closed for the day. I wold go hang around the the garage then and once go to help work on fireball car
updated by @doug-brown: 12/03/16 05:48:01PM
Jeff Gilder
17 years ago
1,784 posts
His daughter, Pam is a member...and there are several driver members who raced with him.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Ken Sharpe
17 years ago
88 posts
I spoke several years back to the now late Doris Roberts, Glen "Fireball" Roberts widow. I remember one thing that she said to me about Glen, that really hit home. She said that he passed away doing what he loved, and that this brought her peace.Rest in Peace, Glen "Fireball" and Doris RobertsPastor KenRacers Reunion Chaplain
doug brown
17 years ago
3 posts
I never met glenn or his wife either one but fireball was my first hero in racing. I have visited his grave site in daytona many years ago.thanks for your reply.May God bless you in your ministry.Doug Brown
doug brown
17 years ago
3 posts
hi I was not in charlotte but was in the car listening to the race i was 15 years old then and can remember it like it was yesterday.