"Bell & Bell Vintage Modified Racing Series®" IN The House Next Week!!

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
11 years ago
559 posts

Well, Fellow RR Members..I have certainly missed being with ya'll. This thing...called Bell & Bell Vintage Modified Racing Series, keeps me hopping....you hear me? I wouldn't have it any other way! And, I have not been able to listen to any radio broadcasts the past two shows. Therefore, I set out on a mission this morning determined to find out what was wrong with my computer. ~Mission Accomplished~ So, I now am listening to this week's broadcasts as I write this.

The first thing...I hear, is Thee Goat Rodeo and they are talking about how many times Danny has moved his bed, and wonder if I might have moved mine! The answer to that would be "NO". My bed is right where I intend for it to stay...ya'll that know me, know...exactly what I meant by that. LOL!! Then..I learn that while I am at the Piedmont Expo in Raleigh, NC. I will be signing autographs...of what?? I DO know that I will have a Bell & Bell Booth set up with Driver Applications, Rules/Regulations and the History of our Series, written by our President, Bobby Williamson...aka Bopper!

But, moving right along into the 2014 Racing Season. Bell & Bell has made some MAJOR strides since last year. I do believe, and correct me if I'm wrong, Bobby...that we on a good night...would have 12-15 cars on the Track. As of right now....and the Season hasn't even begun, we stand at ???? cars!!!! We are OVER the Moon!! Never in my wildest dreams...did I imagine this car count!

Lots of changes taking place! I will be at Thee Goat Rodeo next Tuesday night. Bopper, and I will be talking about these changes, and informing you of some surprises!

Ya'll call in with your comments, and questions....Okay??


updated by @patsy-thompkins-keisler: 12/05/16 04:07:53PM
Charles Ray Stocks
11 years ago
222 posts

patsy im looking forward to the event in raleigh hope to see you there

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
11 years ago
559 posts

I am as well, Charles...and I DO hope to see you!!

Tim Leeming
11 years ago
3,119 posts

Looking forward to the show next Tuesday, as always.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.