charlie morris
03/23/09 05:51:48PM
Foreign interests I have not actively followed NHRA drag racing for some years mainly because there came a time when it was more about the money and the sponsors than it was the racers and the fans. Now I understand that professionally it was always about the money but it just seemed to me in later years it got so much worse than before. Then I hear that some Arab Sheik has bought up a number of teams and since Budweiser was bought out by a foreign company they have dropped Bernstein. What will become of drag racing as we knew it? I lost all interest in NASCAR racing when it seemed to become the WWE on wheels (and now I hear they have a wrestler driving?) and Indy racing when I no longer recognized the name of the driver and all the engines came from Japan. It is said that when things are bad people wax nostalgic and in my case that couldn't be more true.
Jeff Gilder

For you, DK

DK participated in over 800 NASCAR races as a driver and a car owner. He gave driving opportunities to 90 guys in their quest to become NASCAR...
@Jeff Gilder started 17 years ago - replies: 0
Jeff Gilder

The Ironman's official site

We are pleased to announce that will host the official "Ironman" Jack Ingram Fan Club. stay tune for future developments....and...
@Jeff Gilder started 17 years ago - replies: 4


members to my "JR>NATION-AMPed Up" group!Go Dale Jr!!!
@nascarkc88 started 17 years ago - replies: 2
Paul Bassett

Hendrick Motorsports

Hi yall My name is Paul Bassett I grew up loving Nascar when I was young I liked Richard Petty when he retired I picked Jeff Gordan I like Hendrick...
@Paul Bassett started 17 years ago - replies: 0


I was wondering if Geoff still has his Golf Tournament for Make-A-Wish?
@Mike7 started 17 years ago - replies: 1
Jeff Gilder

By the seat of your pants poetry

I'm going to pick a subject and everyone has to write a poem about that subject.And the subject is...hmmm let's see.. "Saturday Night at the Local...
@Jeff Gilder started 17 years ago - replies: 3
Dale Dodge Jr

Ole Casey Had a Ford by: Dale's Mom

The track was very muddy for the dirt track racers that night.All their dirty faces all had a look of fright.Everyone got out their pocket change...
@Dale Dodge Jr started 17 years ago - replies: 2
Jim Jenkins

Does anyone remember hearing this?

When I used to go to Southside Speedway on Fridays and South Boston or Langley on Saturdays, they would say the Racer's Prayer. It is forever...
@Jim Jenkins started 17 years ago - replies: 3
Jennifer Long

Win Friday may lead to more opportunities to race?

Bodine to return to track tonightBy TOM KREAGER Staff Writer July 18, 2008Post a CommentRecommend Print this page E-mail this articleShare this...
@Jennifer Long started 17 years ago - replies: 7
Rick Mihalik


@Rick Mihalik started 17 years ago - replies: 11
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