Current NASCAR
I certainly respect all opinions. And I love the fact that fans stand beside their driver in tough times. I also recognize the driving talents of KB. But have to ask...JM, If this incident had seriously injured Ron Hornaday...or worse taken his life, would you still feel the same way? It could have happened had we not lost Dale Earnhardt in a similar impact, which of course led to safer equipment to help prevent injury in those circumstances. To me on-track rubbin, beatin, and bangin...especially on a short a totally different thing than turning a guy into the wall under caution at the speed they were traveling. That showed a definite lack of respect for safety and life and cannot be tolerated. As stated in other posts, he has done other border-line acts in the past that endangered other people.
Yes, racing is dangerous. But using a car as a weapon has never been acceptable. I still barbaric (I've been told) as it sounds...the sport has been cleaned up so much that these guys don't have to worry about getting their butt's kicked. If KB knew he would have to suffer the wrath of a Tiny Lund...or Jimmy Spencer...he would act differently behind the wheel. My guess is Ron Hornaday could change his attitude with a few minutes of "physical therapy".