Forum Activity for @jeff-gilder

Jeff Gilder
05/02/11 12:23:29PM
1,784 posts

The Other Side of NASCAR


I read this, I think from your email, PKL. I too agree and have thought for some time the future of NASCAR would have to include PPV. Where else can they turn with declining ticket sales and less-than-favorable TV ratings? It does seem they are staffing up for more "show" and "marketing the show" related tasks that will most assuredly take them even further from the roots we enjoyed. Many of us seem to hang on to some sort of hope that someone will awaken some Monday and realize we and and millions of other old-school fans have wandered away wondering what happened to the sport, and that someone will begin the process of putting things back together for us. I don't think the future holds any hope of those folks, even for a moment, wondering where we may have wandered and why. They are in search of an entirely different fan. After all, most of us are no longer part of that ever-so-popular 18 - 35 year old demographic. For now, we are not their concern. They have noticed our departure and have with purpose, chosen their path.

Jeff Gilder
05/01/11 07:38:27AM
1,784 posts

First Virginia NASCAR Race


A truly remarkable accomplishment considering all the changes the sport has endured. There aren't many that held top level races back then...that have operated continuously since....whether or not they still hold top level NASCAR events.



Bowman Gray

Darlington ..look for some Darlington history from RacersReunion((RADIO)) this Tuesday night.


Greenville-Pickens since the mid/late 50's

How about some of the northeast tracks?

Jeff Gilder
04/29/11 11:43:22AM
1,784 posts

Denny Hamlin Short Track Showdown Unofficial Rundown


I can't believe it.Jerry got me out of the studio in plenty of time to see the race. I managed to see all the KnN race and the start of this one...and promptly went to sleep, waking up right at the end. Missed everything in between.
Jeff Gilder
04/29/11 11:39:55AM
1,784 posts

NASCAR Hall Of Fame Biography - Ned Jarrett on Speed

Current NASCAR

Having Winston on was really cool, an I am extremely pleased the NASCAR Media group chose our song. But the only recognition that will come is a courtesy credit to Jay Sellers and the Crew for the recording and possibly myself, Perry, and Jay for the song. That courtesy credit was not automatic. Apparently Speed Channel does not normally run them. NASCAR Media made arrangements with the producer to embed the credit while the song is playing. Ned Jarrett is one of my all-time favorites...which is why I wrote the song about him. It is certainly an honor to be included in any way with his recognition.
Jeff Gilder
04/28/11 05:39:20PM
1,784 posts

NASCAR Hall Of Fame Biography - Ned Jarrett on Speed

Current NASCAR

Saturday April 30 at 2:30 Pm on Speed channel and Speed HD.

Our song (by Jay Sellers and the Crew) "Gentleman Ned" will be used as background for a video during the show.

updated by @jeff-gilder: 12/05/16 04:04:08PM
Jeff Gilder
04/26/11 07:20:30PM
1,784 posts

Donations for Harold Elliot


Make checks payable to:

Old Timers Racing Club

119 Northeast Drive, Archdale NC. 27263

updated by @jeff-gilder: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Jeff Gilder
04/20/11 03:08:47PM
1,784 posts



Thank you all very much for your kind words! We appreciate your support very much! I do apologize that I am not able to attend to every email and request. I actually cannot even read all the emails I get. There are hundreds each week that are not even opened. I scan them and look for critical items and do the best I can. Perhaps someday we can figure out how to get this thing to pay for itself and therefore pay to have more help. I am very grateful for Ms Barbara, Robbie, Tim, Devin, Dustin, and all who look out for the site and assist with administration. It has certainly become more than I ever dreamed.


Jeff Gilder
05/05/11 04:02:03PM
1,784 posts

Please join Ann and me in prayers for Barb Santucci


We love you, Barb! Glad to have you back among us.
Jeff Gilder
04/11/11 07:51:54AM
1,784 posts

Catsup or Ketchup????


I just had a vision of The Legend floating on a pink
Jeff Gilder
04/09/11 09:00:36AM
1,784 posts

Drive to end hunger...huh?


My first thought about AARP in my (at first glance) humble opinion meant could only one thing....and attempt to tap the remaining NASCAR "aging baby boomer" fans for potential memberships. How many of the 75 million or so fans that NASCAR claims are nearing the age to be considering an AARP membership? Next many of those being "claimed" are actually paying attention these days?
