Its Time
...for another Goat Rodeo. Tonight on Racing Through History meet Captain Jack McClure.

updated by @jeff-gilder: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Well said BT. Always enjoy your perspective. I think it mirrors the feelings of many. I look at this site as..."therapy" sometimes. In effort to deal with a less-than-desired situation one often needs a place to express opinions (thats why shrinks get paid so well)). That situation will always bring out the "I liked it better then because"...discussions. Its all healthy so long as we don't stoop to personal attacks, etc. Keep it coming, BT.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with sharing opinions. I never want folks to hold back on that.....that is one of the purposes be heard. We ARE the fan base that popularized OUR sport. We have all the right to express our opinions regarding changes to the sport. I really think the fact that folks have been outspoken is helping...maybe a little.
I think ning will add back the ability to personalize your page at some point, but they removed that feature with the latest design suite release. Photo organization is something we've been asking not know if that ability will be available anytime soon. We instruct all contributors to tag photos in effort to make the search more effective. The same is true for the clubs, the best way to find things is still the search.
Sorry, I can't promise more solutions to your requests.
Now that we have had some time to digest the new site design, I'd like to know your thoughts. What do like? What do you dislike? What would you like to see done differently?
The basic change was making the site a "two-column" format rather than three. This enables me to utilize a more standard ad size.
With the new home page at we have a very visible blog roll. I would love to have some of you contribute your writing. You can upload your blogs here on the Stock Car site and I'll take the ones that do not require a lot of editing and place them out front.
I want the new home page to be a sampling of what folks can find inside. We are working on a way to take the feed from our events calendar out front as well.
Over the past few weeks I've gotten several emails from folks who say they visit less because they feel the site has become "too negative". I have always allowed folks to express their opinions as long as they are not hurtful to others. But, I do not want RacersReunion to be looked upon as "negative" in any way. All the work we have put into this is for positive recognize and keep alive the contributions of early participants of our sport....and to support local racing.
All your comments and opinions are welcome.