Ervin Carpenter update
Stock Car Racing History
Our thoughts and prayers go out to his friends and family. R.I.P. Ervin.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to his friends and family. R.I.P. Ervin.
Just a hint. Y'all figure it out. But, we're on our way to a Racestoppers Reunion. Doshia has company.
The cars youngsters (and Hispanics for that matter) are hot about today are not the stock car type cars. NASCAR would have to start a drifting ...or other series running similar cars to attract them. Yea, the new Camaros, Mustangs, and Challengers and the fact we are racing something that resembles them might eventually create a following, but it is way too early to know. NASCAR and the car manufacturers lost continuity with cars and fans.
Bobby is 100% right! They lost the generation that could have provided continuation / longevity. I, too am a fan because my father introduced me to the sport. My son became a fan the same reason. The core fans were not only their (NASCAR's) best sales people, they bought sponsors products.
I'm gonna get on my favorite soap box yet again...when corporate America decided the older generation couldn't adapt to the internet and smart devices NASCAR fabricated their own 18-24 year old fan base to convince corporate America to send money. It's interesting...there is no proof that fan base ever existed. They were not at the race tracks...where were they? They must have been watching FOX and NBC...and thus the justification for the 8.2 Billion dollar 10 year contract. One missing element in that theory...18-24 year olds have the attention span of a gnat compared to us old pharts...far short of being a serious NASCAR fan. And far too poor to spend the necessary dollars for sponsors products. While the older generation is sitting on appx 47 times the income and worth of the younger generation...sitting here reading this on the web using their PCs, iphones, and tablets, and the like. Go Figure.
I still cannot make sense of it. And I promise I have spent way too much time trying. Makes zero sense to me....wait a minute...what were we talking about? Oh Whatever!
So, you were driving the pace car...?
I just got a message from RR member Brad Charland that his Grandfather, Rene Charland has passed away.
The guys in the orange shirts did it again. The turn out of cars and people was great. Over 250 show cars, 44 race cars(that I counted), dozens of racing heroes, perfect fall weather, and lots of fans made this a great weekend for all who attended. But those of you who did not attend will get a feel for the action after all the photos and videos from the event begin being posted here.
Being down on the old track and seeing 43 cars take the green for a 5 lap exhibition in front of a full grand stand was extremely cool! Many short tracks would have been very happy with that turnout for one of their full race events.
Thanks Historic Speedway Group! Y'all are awesome!
It was awesome to finally meet you in person! I will get to work this week editing the video with your and other's fascinating stories we recorded this weekend.
Hat's off to the Historic Speedway Group for yet another fantqstic job!!
Tim will have to tell us what the plaque says, but I heard them say he was now an Honorary Member of the Historic Speedway Group. I think that was a misspell...should have been ornery,
I didn't pass it up...just now having the opportunity to respond...guessing you needed a larger hat after Will's comments....especially after receiving that great award from the Historic Speedway Group!. Congrats, my friend!