Wanning attendance at races
Stock Car Racing History
" In a bid to grow roots beyond the South, Nascar a decade ago expanded aggressively, lengthening the season and opening new tracks. But no sooner did Nascar move races to California and Kansas than fan enthusiasm cooled, even at classic tracks such as Martinsville." you've heard a lot about this from that Goat Rodeo bunch.
There's a lot of truth in this article! How about the comment about the average fan....? "Nascar's average fan is a blue-collar white man around 50 years old who has been hurt disproportionately by the economic downturn. He can't easily afford the ticket, which hovers around $80 (down from $90) at ISC's 13 tracks. He can't afford the gas, since the average fan lives 115 miles from the nearest track."
The 18 to 24 year stuff is...as I have said many times (if I can toot toot my horn) absolute and total bull_ _ _ _ !!! This article spoke the truth. The average fan is not 18 to 24 years old. If the old folks cant' afford tickets, how the hell can the younger demo.?
Corporate America...(and NASCAR followed) created this fake demographic based on the belief that only young people could interact if today's gadgets. Well...what are you folks using right now.