RacersReunion® SCENE Magazine First Edition
Stock Car Racing History
We will offer them for sale at events and here online.....soon.
We will offer them for sale at events and here online.....soon.
,,,on its way to the printer.
We've been wanting to do this for some time now. Thanks to contributions from The Legend, Ray Lamm and others we have just finished the first "readers" version of the RacersReunion experience.
Here is a look at the cover.
It seems I'm always in a hurry when I visit the site. I was missing too much the other way.
...don't you? Speaking of having the forum posts visible out front.
Here is the "official" info:
Hey folks!
In keeping with our mission here at RacersReunion, supporting local short tracks (as well as racing history) is of great importance. After all, they represent our true roots. Some feel there may be resurgentinterest in local racing over the next decade. I like like that idea...how about you?
Tonight on Racing Through History (the Goat Rodeo) we have the opportunity to hear from someone who is risking millions to breath new life into a struggling short track with history dating back to the 1950s...Myrtle Beach Speedway.
Bob Lutz, President/CEO of the NASCAR Racing Experience (and prospective new race track owner) will be our in-studio guest.We are very much interested to hear his plans to learn why he is prepared to make a major investment in local short-track racing. We hope you tune in for a listen!
RacersReunion((RADIO)) can be accessed from the main menu or by clicking the radio banner at the top of any RacersReunion.com site...or by clicking here.
Join us on chat on Stock Car RacersReunion or give us a call at 877.500.ZEUS(9387)
RacersReunion.com is a premier Social Radio Network producing the best in music, racing talk radio, and live race coverage broadcast worldwide on The Zeus Radio Network . For some serious bench racing, join us right here every Monday through Thursday night on the web's number one Sports Talk radio channel, RacersReunion((RADIO)).
Date: Tuesday March 20, 2012
Place: RacersReunion Radio "Goat Rodeo"
Time: 7 PM Eastern
Expectations: He'll never be the same after this!
Bob Lutz, President and CEO of the NASCAR Racing Experience and prospective new owner of the Myrtle Beach Speedway will be our guest. He has some awesome plans for this historic racing venue that may include soft-walls, new suites, paving....etc. Sounds like Bob may be thinking of luring back one of NASCAR's top three (probably trucks?) and or ARCA.
We're excited!...hope you are too. Join us. We'll treat him so many ways, he's bound to like one of them....you too!!
Andy said we could come and set up out front, but I'm not sure very many guys will pull up there to show...without the chance to get on the track in front of the fans
NASCAR will not allow us on the track on the day of the truck race
I spoke with P.A.W. (Perry Allen Wood) yesterday.He sounded remarkably good!. But, this is the guy who showed up at J.B. Days right after prostate surgery with tubes and bags and such still attached. He's a tough one, that P.A.W. He looked like crap, though!...LOL