Forum Activity for @jeff-gilder

Jeff Gilder
03/04/12 11:11:56AM
1,784 posts

New Categories


I've added a couple of new categories to the forum. One is RacersReunion Radio...long overdue. Another is a specific place for "Then and Now" comparisons. I just love those discussions when they are civil.

updated by @jeff-gilder: 12/05/16 04:02:57PM
Jeff Gilder
03/04/12 11:05:26AM
1,784 posts

Our Mission


RacersReunion has been created to preserve and celebrate racing history. To provide a living, growing historical document to educate young fans and to give older fans a walk down memory lane.

Of major importance to the history of racing has been the local tracks. We will always provide support for local and regional racing programs.

Being able to bridge then and now is part of dealing with change. Providing a platform to discuss and compare racing then and now is part of our overall mission.

It is human nature to like "it" better then than matter what "it" is or was. RacersReunion has been described as beingtherapeutic. It helps older fans deal with the loss...of the way"it" was.

While we limit our photo and video galleries to historical content, we welcome appropriately placed current racing discussions on our forum.

updated by @jeff-gilder: 12/05/16 04:02:57PM
Jeff Gilder
03/04/12 08:27:24AM
1,784 posts

Vintage Racing Events

Vintage Oval and Road Course Racing

Please use our events calendar to post race dates and locations.

thank you!

updated by @jeff-gilder: 12/05/16 04:07:53PM
Jeff Gilder
03/03/12 03:53:51PM
1,784 posts

Have You Seen.....


...the great photos posted by Luiz Vicente AulerPassos Miranda of the decades of racing in Brazil. Until Luiz joined our site, I had no idea the racing there "back in the day" was so similar to ours. Be sure to give them a look.

updated by @jeff-gilder: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Jeff Gilder
03/05/12 06:41:42PM
1,784 posts

Time to Evaluate....again


I admit that I personally like the feed on the main page better than under the forum tab. That is why I put it our there a couple of years ago. I created the site and know my way around it....But for some reason most folks can't / couldn't find the other categories in which to post their favorite content. So putting the categories out front solves that issue. I agree that seeing the content on the main page probably gets more people involved in the discussions. It is yet to be seen if this new format entices more people to post ...more variety. This is something that has been an ongoing concern from a variety of members....hope it works. Time will tell.

While I love the history of racing, I still love being involved in current racing, too. This site will always provide for folks to discuss current racing, it would be ridiculous to eliminate that content from a racing site. It is relevant and necessary. I appreciate so much what you have brought to our site, Dave. Thank you!.

Jeff Gilder
03/05/12 09:22:27AM
1,784 posts

Time to Evaluate....again


Dave, If you click on "Forum" under the "Engage" tab you will see exactly what you saw before. We changed absolutely nothing except swapped the category display with the Forum Feed display. EVERYTHING is exactly as it difference whatsoever. To make a post you do exactly the same thing as you did before.,,,no more more pecking...than you did before.

Once you click the "Forum" tab (which is exactly what you will have to do at any other "undiscovered" internet site) you are right where you were before. This site is unique in that we have the option to show those live feeds in a variety of places. The activity feed still shows every post made...don't have to kook anywhere except in the center column.

I don't understand why you of all people are making such a big deal out of this very simple change. This is how the site was originally designed and is exactly how any other site with a forum is organized. Think about that for minute.

I'm sorry you feel the way you do, but if you are going to leave our site over a very simple change that we make to improve the site for ALL members to be it.

You are always welcome here and your contributions and insights are greatly appreciated. We have valued your membership here very much!

Jeff Gilder
03/04/12 10:05:32AM
1,784 posts

Time to Evaluate....again


I want to make something clear here. I put this comment in some of my responses, but felt I should make a separate comment. I do not ever want to discourage discussion about current racing on this site. Those discussions are vital,relevant, and bring thousands of visits from folks who find out about us and many return for our historical content.

We're just looking for a way for folks to enjoy the entire experience.

Jeff Gilder
03/04/12 09:45:59AM
1,784 posts

Time to Evaluate....again


The Forum categories have always been there. I have the option to display actual posts on the main page or just the categories. In the past I have chosen to display the actual posts because I believe that invites more discussion.

It is apparent most folks do not know how to find the categories to post and comment accordingly. Soooo, I'll put the categories out front and see if thathelpsthesituation.

I do not want to eliminate current NASCAR discussion on this site. It is of major importance, it isrelevant, and it always triggers the then and nowcomparisonthat I believe is needed.

Jeff Gilder
03/04/12 09:41:54AM
1,784 posts

Time to Evaluate....again


One of my goals has always been to air out the then and now comparisons. I think that is an important part of the overall celebration of history. We can't avoid that comparison, so why not embrace it and provide a platform for that discussion...?

Jeff Gilder
03/04/12 09:39:02AM
1,784 posts

Time to Evaluate....again



Take a look at the current Forum feature representation in the main page. I'd like you input.
