Time to Evaluate....again
Dave, If you click on "Forum" under the "Engage" tab you will see exactly what you saw before. We changed absolutely nothing except swapped the category display with the Forum Feed display. EVERYTHING is exactly as it was...no difference whatsoever. To make a post you do exactly the same thing as you did before.,,,no more hunting...no more pecking...than you did before.
Once you click the "Forum" tab (which is exactly what you will have to do at any other "undiscovered" internet site) you are right where you were before. This site is unique in that we have the option to show those live feeds in a variety of places. The activity feed still shows every post made...don't have to kook anywhere except in the center column.
I don't understand why you of all people are making such a big deal out of this very simple change. This is how the site was originally designed and is exactly how any other site with a forum is organized. Think about that for minute.
I'm sorry you feel the way you do, but if you are going to leave our site over a very simple change that we make to improve the site for ALL members to enjoy...so be it.
You are always welcome here and your contributions and insights are greatly appreciated. We have valued your membership here very much!