YOU Might Be a Rodeo Goat...
-RacersReunion® RADIO
If you've ever changed a flat on your race car with the wheel and tire off the tow truck....YOU might be a rodeo goat.
If you've ever changed a flat on your race car with the wheel and tire off the tow truck....YOU might be a rodeo goat.
If you've ever stuffed drunk crows in a gunny sack....YOU might be a rodeo goat.
If you've ever climbed the fence and taken a bath in the community swimming pool (after a dirt race)...YOU might be a rodeo goat.
If you've ever climbed the fence and taken a bath in the community swimming pool (after a dirt race)...YOU might be a rodeo goat!
Some of you have referred to to our show as a Goat Rodeo. I take from that your implication that our panel of astute racing historians might be considered "Rodeo Goats". Well, I'm of the opinion that "it takes one to know one." So I'm suggesting that many of you just might be rodeo goats, too.
Tonight, we'll present the top ten reasons YOU might be a rodeo goat! After hearing these reasons....if you have any personal accounts that might qualify you as a rodeo goat...we want to hear them.
Here is an example from tonight's top ten...submitted by one of our members who WILL at her request remain anonymous.
In my best Jeff Foxworthy voice..."If you've ever gone to straight to jail from the race track...YOU might be a rodeo goat!"
Tune in to hear our first "Top Ten Reasons YOU Might Be A Rodeo Goat."
WOW! I didn't mean to start all mainly wanted to get rid of the apostrophe and the space.. I'm ok with that. I'm more concerned (and concerned is not the right word) about Racer's Reunion. That is not us. Anytime we put our name on something it has to be RacersReunion...unless we are writing the web
Me neither, Jim. This whole deal over the past 4 years has been very painful. When we launched, I could barely use my email.
Just FYI.....whenever one writes the name of our organization, it is preferred that it be written according to the trademark that is registered with the U.S.Patent and Trademark office. That proper representation is done without an apostrophe and without a space between the two words and with the registration mark () whenever possible.... RacersReunion.
To make the registration mark, hold down the ALT key and type 0174. In some in Microsoft Word the mark can be made by holding down CTL and ALT while typing R.
That's it for today's lesson. have a great day!